Tonight we went up to the Tennessee Fellowship Center for a fish fry. But, someone didn't catch the fish they were supposed to so we just grilled burgers and dogs. Still delicious. We played LOTS of volleyball. We just got a new load of sand up there and really felt the need to try it out and make sure it worked. Much better than the old sand. It's not filled with goose poop- yet. We probably played volleyball for about two hours before we split up and did a few other things.
Some people played baggo or cornhole or whatever you want to call it, some people went inside to the air conditioning to start getting supper ready, and Jessica and I headed for the new paddleboat. I think they just got it up there a few weeks ago and I hadn't been on it yet so that was just as important as trying out the new sand. Jessica is 16 and just got done with her sophomore year of high school -love that girl!
Then it was supper time, compliments of Ryan's grilling services. Here we have the two church babies, Kiera and Lauren enjoying their nummies. I guess they're not so much babies anymore. Kiera turned two in April and Lauren turned two yesterday. They're both darling. I just want to scoop them up and smother them with kisses every time I see them. Unfortunately, that is not their favorite thing to do. They would rather be off exploring, as two year olds do.
And then there's Emily. Not a shy bone in her body. Ryan turned on the mics for a little bit while she sang us a special number. She didn't do one in church today so I guess she decided she's do it tonight. She always sings either Jesus Loves Me or I'll Be Somewhere Listening. Funny girl right there.
Tyler and Whitney brought their dog, Porter along. The kids loved her, especially Braeden. He showed us tonight how he learned to ride a two wheeler by himself. I was impressed- I don't remember riding a two wheeler until I was like, seven. He's going to Kindergarten this year and I already miss having him at the preschool.
After supper a few of us girls played baggo. Guess who won:) Maybe I should forget Racko and stick with Baggo? (That's for my family who has shared my Kentucky Racko experiences with me)
I just liked this picture of me and Bekah. We snapped it real quick while we were taking a drink break from volleyball and I thought it turned out cute. Good thing she agreed to marry Mark because I love having her down here!
It's days like today that make me love Athens with all my heart and never want to leave. Don't get me wrong- I love my family dearly and I definitely miss them. But I don't think I could ask for better "stand ins" than all my Athens family. They are such a blessing to me and I love each and every one of them.
Definitely a great night!! Oh and by the way, Ryan didn't even TRY to catch any fish :) We'll save that for a later date when JR can come since he's the one craving it so badly! So maybe later on in the summer we'll do another fun night like this except with big ol' catfish!!
Sarah, you're beautiful. Inside and Out. I just thought I'd tell you that. And I mean it.
Love, Erin
Praise Jesus for fun times! Come and see me okay. I love you. Have a great week. Blessings
I laughed at the kid behind the little girl singing...totally passed out :)
well just so you know, i'm glad bekah married mark too, but we MISS HER UP HERE LIKE CRAZY - ha i said that like i still live in illinois lol :-)
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