Sunday, August 23, 2009

Take Me To The River

This weekend I went to a director's retreat with Miss Louise. It was at a state park not too far from here. I had to live with a view overlooking the Tennessee River for a couple days. It was rough, let me tell ya:)

I was kind of nervous about going because I really didn't know anyone besides Miss Louise. I'm perfectly fine with getting to know new people but when most of them already know each other it's hard to just jump in and start talking. I'm always afraid I either come across as a snot or painfully shy. So I said a little prayer before hand that maybe I could make a new friend. Well, before supper, they took us out on a pontune boat ride and I saw a girl walk up and thought "That's my new friend." I sat by her on the boat and we started talking. She's a Christian, single, 27, and we had enough in common to keep the conversation going easily. She said how great this was because she had come alone and prayed before she got there that God would give her someone to talk to! I wish I would have gotten a picture of her but nobody else had their cameras out and I didn't want to be the only picture happy person there. But it turned out to be just fine thanks to God and my new friend Teasha:)

After I got home on Saturday I called Jessica. Kerwin's brother's company had the opportunity to do the wiring for an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition house and wanted Kerwin to come help. So him and Sara took off Friday morning and I said I would do something with the girls on Saturday. I ended up with Jessica, Amber and their two neighbor girls, Sydney and Bailey. We had a good time. We went out for pizza and then a free Rush of Fools concert.

The concert was....... loud. I didn't really get into it until about the last song. Probably because that's the song I knew. But the girls had fun and it was something to do. They went up and crowded the state with all the other teeny boppers. I was the fuddy duddy who stayed back to keep watch over our stuff. They were pretty excited after the concert to get their shirts signed, too.

I spent the night at their house with Amber and Jess and brought them to church with me. It was fun playing mom for the day. We had one nearly major catastrophe between Jessica and Emily (she came home from her friends Sunday morning) when they started beating each other up in the middle of the second service. Thankfully Emily was distracted easily with a game of dots. By the time church was out they were all friends again.

Now on a completly different subject, we have a new teacher!!!!! Miss Cassie Bertsch from Bluffton will be moving down here tomorrow and will start working on Tuesday. Just in time too because our enrollment has been exploding. We're not completely full yet, but we're getting there. Our prayer is that we get up to between 30-35 kids. But we are very ready for another set of hands and I'm sure that the set we're getting will do a great job:) Thank You, Jesus!


Erin said...

Prais Jesus for Cassie Bertch! I hope you have a super duper week and that its a SMOOTH transition for the both of you. Wasn't Jenna from Bluffton?

Angie said...

Oh yay! I think you guys will have a great time! She seems like a great girl...
Thanks for the phone convo the other night...and I'm so glad you made a friend!

Anonymous said...

Sarah I think it's pontoon not pontune. That's pretty bad if I have to correct your spelling. I love you and can't wait to see you again. Headin for home tomarrow. dad

Anonymous said...

Sarah, so happy for you that you
have a new teacher to help you
Keep up the good work down there

Rebekah Hoffman said...

Praise God! Cassie is such a sweet girl and what an answer to prayer! Glad to hear you made such a good friend! I know it can be tough when everyone else seems to know everyone and then you sorta just are in the middle of the group. So glad it all worked out! Praise God!! Love you, Rebekah