Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another Great Weekend

Man, this summer is flying by. There's been something noteworthy going on almost every weekend. Before I moved that was normal. Now I look forward to weekends that are months away because there's nothing happening between now and then. But there's been so much going on here lately and I've been loving it!
This particular weekend was Matthew's baptism. Very exciting for a small church! A group of people from Fairbury came down for the weekend. They've made it a habit to visit a few times a year and we love it when they come! It was great to spend some time with them again too. No pictures though:(

Matthew's the one in the blue. We took this picture last weekend at VBS. The other kid is his younger brother Luke who just started repenting a few weeks ago! Matthew's 19 and Luke's 16. Over the past few years they've taken their place as my younger brothers. Sometimes I love em to pieces and sometimes they just like to be pesky. They're fun though:)

After Matthew came out of the water today, this little beauty (Lauren) declared "I want to go swimming." We thought she had the right idea so that's what we're headed to do this afternoon! So, yeah- great fellowship, great friends, a little too much great food-great weekend!


Angie said...

I miss you...I wish I could spend a great weekend with you! I just found out that you were going to surprise us in Gatlinburg...what a bummer. Abel says hi and I love you!

Erin said...

So glad you could party with my family for me! Sounds like a good weekend. Have a Super Duper Great and Excellent Week!