Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another Great Weekend

So I was home again this weekend. 4 times in 10 weeks. Not bad, not bad. I used the girl's camp reunion as my excuse to get home this time. It was fun enough, but there were only about 14 girls show up and 5 or 6 of them were from Roanoke. So I left early and showed up at the Roanoke YG cookout/singing. That was fun cause nobody was expecting me. Okay back up to Friday night. I thought I was going to leave after I got off work at 5 pm and get home around 1 am. But then I switched hours with Louise so I could leave at 3 or 3:30. But then they told me I could go ahead and go as soon as the kids were down for nap. So I left around 12:30 and got to Morton at 8:30. That made me really happy cause then I could actually spend some quality time there rather than just a couple of groggy hours in the morning. I stopped by my parents for awhile cause Dad said he was going to change my oil for me. Then Erin picked me up and we went to Olive Garden in Bloomington with Angie and Mandy. Mandy's birthday was Friday and so I suprised her. She didn't know I was going to be there until I sat down in the booth beside her. Great fun. We just sat there for about 2 hours before me and Erin went to the reunion. Spent the night at mom and dad's, went to church in Roanoke and then came back here. Short, but worth my time. Now I'm at the library and it's about ready to close and so I'm going to go. But I do have to mention that I love this computer. It's much faster than Melissa's. I might be frequenting the library from now on. Okay bye now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a great weekend. Many mermorable events took place in a matter of about 3 hours...."you had a ten?"....the other "happening" i don't think I need to speak of, you know. i'm glad you came up too. I really was missin you! Love ya!