Friday, May 19, 2006

Sore Muscles

Really sore muscles today. From frisbee football last night. It was a lot of fun though. Usually I don't like the game at all. Last night was the first time I've played that I actually really had fun playing. I'm not sure the Monical's we had afterwards has digested yet though. My tummy is kind of churning. Not that anyone really cares but I just really can't think of anything to write about. I'm in the office at work on my break and I can hear my favorite baby talking. He's so cute. Tonight I'm going to Mandy's Sensaria party. Woo hoo! That mean's I get to soak my feet in hot water and have a nice little facial and try all kinds of lotions and stuff. Sometimes it's fun to get a little pampered. This weekend we have some missionaries from Haiti staying at our house. My parents house that is. I'm pretty excited to have them here. Okay I'm really stretching my brain to come up with things to talk about so I'm just going to go play solitaire for the rest of my break. Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

You're brain can See ya tonight!

Luke said...

Maybe the reason you had fun last night is because I was playing...

Then again, maybe not.

Ok, probably not.
