Monday, April 05, 2010

Failure of a Photographer

I always have such good intentions of taking lots of pictures when I go somewhere for the weekend.  Especially when it's a busy weekend where I'll have lots of different things to take pictures of.  But once again, I have failed.  I took two pictures. 
Thursday night I didn't get on the road until 4:50.  I was taking a girl from Nashville (originally Tremont) with me which added a lot of time.  We didn't leave Nashville until almost 7:00.  Yuck.  Then I was dropping her off at her sisters house close to Bloomington and since we were coming in a different way than she was used to, she got turned around and took longer than expected....then I got pulled over...(written warning only!).......finally got to sleep at 3 in the morning.  Only to get up and go shopping and out to lunch with mom, Jamie and Haley.  But I really wasn't too tired and I had fun.  And Olive Garden was delicious.  By the time we got home though, I was pretty wiped out so I laid down to take a "little" nap.  Three hours later it was time to get ready for church! 
After church we had an egg coloring party at Robey and Angie's.  That's where my picture comes in.

That's about the extent of my picture taking for the weekend.  LOTS of eggs were colored that night.  Seven dozen, I believe.
Saturday I found myself at the Gridley community sale with some friends and then was able to hang out with them for awhile after the sale.  Saturday night was the smallest Hodel Easter I think we've ever had.  Only 13 or 14 of us were there.  It was kinda weird having it that small but a lot of people were either out of town or live in another state and couldn't make it.  They were missed, that's for sure.
Sunday was a reminder of one of the reasons I'm excited to move back.  Nate, Jamie and Haley came out for supper and we really didn't do much but eat and play Phase 10 (I won!) but I loved it.  It was kinda strange being in church knowing that the next time I'm in Roanoke I'll probably be living in Illinois. 
This morning I had a meeting at ICC.  I have really been considering going back to school but didn't hardly know where to start.  I had a lot of mixed feelings about school vs. finding a new job and didn't really have any clear direction of which way to go.  So I decided to schedule a meeting with an advisor and just see what she had to say.  I was praying all weekend that I could come out of that meeting feeling peaceful and with a sense of direction as to what my next step should be.  That's exactly what happened.  For now, I think the plan is to take a couple pre-reqs for the Occupational Therapy program and then maybe starting the OTA program in fall of 2011.  I'm not saying that's a for sure plan but it's the direction I'm heading for now.  I'm excited about it though.  I don't feel any apprehension and I feel like it's the best decision I can make for the time being.  Hopefully I'll be able to find a part time job and go to school part time this fall.  So if you know of anything, keep me posted!


Erin said...

Yay! some direction! an idea! a peaceful feeling!!! I will be praying for you as God continues to guide you and doors open. Keep working on the picture taking... one day it might come:) I love you. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Sunday night was one of the reasons I am excited for you to move home too :-)
Glad your meeting went well Monday. Have a great week. Love you.

Angie said...

OK this photo of me is totally nasty. lol
Glad you got some direction on Monday...I can't wait until the next time I see you in Roanoke because then you will be HOME! Love you and can't wait to see you again :)