Monday, April 12, 2010

The Dreaded 5k

About a month and a half ago I signed up to run a 5k, along with Cassie, her sister, brother in law and some of the Edelmans.  As the day grew closer I found myself saying "WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?!?!"  But, I knew if I backed out I'd be mad at myself and feel like a failure.  So I had no choice but to press on:)  I had great intentions of training consistently- to a point where I could run at least two miles without stopping.  You have to understand, I hate running.  I've always hated it.  I don't hate exercise, just running.  I could barely run a mile (slowly) to save my life  So those intentions conveniently fell by the wayside and all of a sudden, race day was here and I hadn't really trained.  Like I said though, I would have been mad at myself if I would have dropped out.  I had two goals.  The biggest goal was to not come in last place.  And I was really serious about that.  The second goal was, to actually try for a certain time, so I decided 40-45 minutes was reasonable for my... uh... athletic abilities.  I ended up doing better than I thought I would!  I ran it in 39:11 and came in somewhere in the middle of the pack.  263 out of 450 something.  Granted, I was way behind everyone else in our little group, but for me, that was good and I was satisfied.  And when it was over I had to admit that I kinda had fun and I might have even picked up registration papers for another one.  Don't know for sure if I'll do it yet or not. 
We were getting ready to take a group shot when the Chick-fil-a cow came and posed with us.  They were one of the sponsors of the race and every time it was time to turn a corner in the race, we heard a cowbell:)  Also we got a free chick fil a sandwich at the end.  That may have been the best part of the race!

We also had a cookout Saturday night with Cassie's family and Sunday night went putt putt golfing.  Turned out to be a really good weekend!

For my girl Hodel cousins- anyone recognize "the mini golf pose"?


Erin said...

Yep you for sure get the gold star for the day! Good Job you for sticking with it and not giving up! I just ate a box full of cookies while reading about you running:) I hope your week is great! I love you. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Sarah - This just makes us smile and so thankful for you. We sure do love you. God Bless you.

Dad and Mom

Angie said...

I surely do recognize your pose! So proud of you for doing the marathon...I LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

You don't like running and I do not
like walking,but I try to do it
anyway 3 or 4 times a week
Always enjoy your blog