Thursday, April 29, 2010

Change of Plans- But Who's Complaining?

Tonight I had my evening planned as such:
-Have Cassie follow me to Wal*Mart so I can drop off my car to have my flat tire patched tomorrow
-Cassie drives me home
-Eat a healthy, grilled turkey steak from my dad's turkeys (with his special marinade) and a salad with milk.

Actual events of the night:
-Have Cassie follow me to Wal*Mart so I can drop off my car to have my flat tire patched tomorrow
-Sent Cassie on her way because apparently they DO have time to fix it tonight
-Forgo the exercise and healthy supper
-Walk across the street to Zaxby's fried chicken strips, french fries and coke


I believe their slogan is "Indescribably Good"
And they are correct:)


Erin said...

The only guarantee we have is that plans WILL change. Go with the change:) The motto of my life! Its Friday!!! Have a Great Weeekend.
I love you and praying for you. blessings

Karen and Joe said...

GO with the flow! Monday starts a new week for all that healthy stuff! enjoy your weekend! :-)

Angie said...

I somehow missed seeing this post right away. I have never had this chicken you speak of :)
I wish you would've remembered your phone cuz then we could've chatted when I had time. Oh well.