Sunday, February 28, 2010

Funny Stuff

Well, last night was fun.  I went with Mark & Bekah to see Mark Lowery.  I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures of the man, but he's a hoot, that's for sure.  I also appreciated the things he said when he wasn't cracking jokes.  I came away having just had a really good laugh but I also came away feeling encouraged.  My only complaint?  I have some CD's of his that I've had since I was in Jr. High.  So... about 15 years I've had these albums.  One of them I loved so much that I listened to over and over and still have it about memorized.  A couple of the jokes he used last night were on that CD that I have.  I was like "Dude- find some new jokes."  But even the ones that I already have heard were funnier when I could see the actions and expressions that went along with them:)  And that's really all I have to say.  Short and sweet. 


LeaAnn said...

Love the new background!!!!

Erin said...

It happened today... in the MIDDLE of the prayer the girl next to me moves her hand around to interlock our fingers! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PRAYER! I was so uncomfortable. I could not longer focus on what was being said. But I wasn't going to move my hand around to unlock our fingers! I will no longer stand by her at prayer time if I can help it:)