It's after midnight, I should be in bed fighting the chest cold I feel coming on, but I'm not. I've been go, go, go, go, go pretty much ever since I got home from Mexico. And I just wanted to take a few minutes to sit at the computer. Is that so bad? I posted a few days ago but I must not have hit the publish button because it never showed up. Do you want to hear my list that I had to get done this week? Organize play costumes, iron play costumes (I cheated and threw them in the dryer), set up for the play, get kids presents bought and wrapped, get kids stockings bought and stuffed, buy family presents, (don't tell them, but I haven't got too far on that one - they're not getting too much anyways), finish Christmas cards, mail cards, do play programs, clean preschool, put everything in preschool back where it belongs, pray preschool dries out and quits smelling so bad, clean house, get microphone to work for play, do laundry, do preschool parent presents (haven't started them yet) pack for a two week break, and that might be all. I'm not complaining. I'm just feeling overwhelmed. That flood kinda threw me for a loop. It took up a lot more time and energy that I really wanted to use at the moment. But we're back in the preschool and burning lots of candles and using lots of glade plug ins.
I was working on costumes and Jena was heading to bed. She said "When are you going to bed?" I said "I don't know" (I said that with a weary sigh) She said "June?" Hmm... seems that way at this point. Part of it's my own fault for not being the most organized person in the world. Okay, I'm just rambling when I could be going to sleep. So, I'm done now.
3 weeks ago
Sarah, I have lots to do too...we can be overwhelmed together.
I cannot WAIT to see you again. i miss you so much. I love you.
is that it? thats all you have to do? eh... totally doable:) Have a great week! Love you, I still need your address too if you want a Christmas card...hint hint... add that to your list of must do's
Got your card and yours is now on its way
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