Thursday, April 13, 2006

Can you say loser?

Today at work I was in the toddler room during naptime with nothing to do. So I played euchre. By myself. I dealt everybody in and played for all four people. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i can just see who won?

taryn said...

Tammy and I did that in Florida one night with Wilson, the volleyball, and another inanimate object.

At least you're not addicted to online Euchre, like me.

Morgan said...

See, if I did that it would just be four really, really bad euchre players going head to head, which wouldn't be fun for any of them, especially me.

Maryann said...

Since you can't hear me say it, I will spell it.



Sarai is a loser.


P.S. I know a sign for that word too. :-)


And btw--I so totally couldn't figure out why you needed my address in April and then I got your card today and the pictures of Clevland and Ricardo (sp?) and the tears came. Thank you so much for those pictures--you don't know how good it was to see pictures of them growing up. We so have to go together next year. I'm praying now that it will work out.

natz said...

No, no, no, Sarah. I love YOU

megs said...

:) sarah you make me laugh dearest!! great to see you last night!! i love you, even if you ARE a loser!!