Monday, July 01, 2013

Facing Fears

When I was younger, I spent many hours on the ole' bright orange Woods Lawn Mower.  Then, I grew up and moved out.  During the eight years I lived on my own, I rarely mowed.  Once I moved back in with my parents, I thought maybe I'd like to start up again.  But about that time is when Steeves (from Haiti) moved in and it became his job pretty quickly.  Last summer he went to visit Haiti for the whole summer and I thought for sure I would get my fair share of mowing.  Unfortunately though, we had the drought and mowing was never necessary.  This summer he's back in Haiti for another visit, and with the abundance of rain, the task of mowing has finally fallen to me once again.   
There's just one problem.
I hate mowing them.
Growing up, either my dad or my brother always did the ditches and I never had to.  I was a little scaredy-cat with them.  Still am.  But the time has come when I've had to face my fear of mowing ditches head on. 
See, I'm just positive that I'm going to tip over and the mower is going to roll on top of me while I'm going down the ditch on such a slant.  My dad has confidently assured me otherwise, but I'm not quite convinced.  I'm sure I look pretty normal to people driving by, but in my head I feel like a warrior going top speed into battle as I charge through the slanted ditches.

Needless to say, while there are nice even lines on the rest of the yard, the ditches are full of crooked, jagged mow lines with the occasional rut.  Appearance is not my main concern, rather just getting out of them safely!

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