Monday, July 26, 2010

Two Completely Different Topics....

For starters, here's the "after" preschool pictures.  You can see in the last post how everything was all off white except for the office which was pale blue and pastel yellow.  Now, we have

The Purple Room

The Orange Room

The Yellow Room

And the Beautiful Green Office!

Every time I walk in I just have to stand there and take it all in for awhile.  We love it!!

And now for a completely different topic.  I had my class reunion this weekend.  Ten years.  It doesn't seem possible.  I know that anyone reading this who is older than me is laughing because they probably think I have no clue how fast time really flies.  But for real- sometimes I really do feel like I was JUST graduating high school yesterday.  Here we are though.  A lot are married, some have kids, some are working on PhD's, some are trying to make it big and yet some are no different than they were ten years ago. 

I'll be moving three weeks from today.  There's another thing that hardly seems possible.  I guess right now I'm feeling pretty reflective.  A little down, a little frustrated over the fact that I still don't know for sure what I'll be doing once I move back.  I still am peaceful that moving back is the right decision but every time I think I know what I'm going to do I either second guess or another option seems to come up.  I think I'm trying to figure out how much I need to wait until I feel God speak and say "this is the direction I'm taking you" versus how much do I just need to pick one of the options and step out in faith, trusting that God will lead along the way.

I'm to the point now where yes, I'm still very sad to be leaving Athens but I'm ready to just have it done and over with.  I'm dreading packing.  I got my fill of that getting ready for the preschool to get done.  We just got everything over there unpacked and I hardly have a chance to organize my thoughts before I dive into packing my own stuff. 

Well I'm just rambling now.  Sometimes it helps to sort things out on here so sometimes you get all the jumbled up thoughts I have in my brain.  I'm impressed if you've made it all the way to the end:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, guess I'll be the first to comment. It was wonderful having you home this weekend. I really enjoyed last nite. I pray everyday that you will get clear direction from God and you will know what His will is for you next. But I know from experience that it isn't always real clear, but He seemed to open a door so we went through it very causiously(spelling?) and if he didn't close it proceeded prayerfully. Be patient and I think you will get a feeling of what your suppose to do. Now I'm starting to ramble.
I love you and am so glad your my daughter. Dad

Erin said...

Your doing Amazing! I'm so excited to see whats next for you!! O the possibilities! Storming the Gates!
I will see your beautiful face soon! I love you. Blessings

Angie said...

I made it to the end, do i get a prize? :)

I think your dad has some excellent advice...I remember Tim Hohulin's story about when he was deciding to buy his house. If you don't remember, I will refresh you if you need me to :)

I know you know, but I am so excited to have you home. I don't think you really know how much. I am looking forward to the day you are home for good!

dan and tess said...

Praying for you as you get ready to leave! :)

Anonymous said...

Sarah - ditto Dad's comment and just know that we both love you so much. We are daily praying for you that God's Will is revealed to you and that you follow in faith. Stay true. We love you sweet Sarah - God bless you. Mom

Rebekah Hoffman said...

Hey Sarah... I'm kinda at a loss for what to say. I guess in a small sense, our situations are a little similar. 3 weeks till I move to college. Obviously I'm not moving nearly as far as you, but I can still empathize a little with your feelings of being overwhelmed and unsure of the direction God is leading you. I'll be praying for you! As Kara Bahler and I continually remind each other... God is good all the time!

PS- that was kinda a lot to say after being at a loss for words! LOL

Anonymous said...

PS - the new "do" looks nice. Hope to see it if I can come down and help Dad move you back. We love you. God bless you. Mom