Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun With Friends:)

Awhile back a group of my friends was planning to come down but due to several different circumstances it just didn't work out.  On a completely different note, every time I go to a particular mall down here (which isn't very often) I wish I had a friend with me.  It's just a fun place to walk around even if you have no intention of buying anything.  So combine those two things and I decided to beg  ask a couple of my friends to come down for a girls weekend.  They did!  We had a great time shopping, eating out and going to the rodeo later that night.

Thanks for coming down!!!


Erin said...

You get a social life. Jealous!
I hope your week it great! Love and blessings

Angie said...

I just want you to know that when my home page says that there's new blog posts and you are one of them, I always read yours last. Best for last :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun weekend with fun company!

LeaAnn said...

Thanks for a lot of fun that weekend. Everyone back home was very jealous that they didn't come with us. Have fun this weekend and don't forget to e-mail!!