Tonight was our preschool graduation. Oh..... where do I even start? I got off work at 5:30. The kids were supposed to start showing up at 6:30. Around 5:50 a storm started passing through. At six the power went out. This was not a good start to our evening! I gave up calling the utility company after getting a busy signal for the 14th time. People started showing up around 6:15, gathering in a dark preschool, hoping the lights would come back on. After much debating, we decided to cancel and reschedule for next week. That was about ten till seven. Just as soon as people started leaving, the power came back on. Of course. So we decided to go ahead with it. Only three of our kids had left and we were able to call two of them back. The third one I never could get ahold of. I feel really bad about it but there's not much I can or could do.
Then starts the program. We didn't have any terrible criers this year. Nobody that sobbed up on the risers. We did have one little girl who stood there real quiet with one lone tear falling down her cute little cheek. We had a few kids who got a case of the giggles, a few who wouldn't quit talking, one who kept turning around to bug the kids behind him, one who stuck his hands in his mouth, pulled his cheeks apart and stuck out his tongue for probably half the program, that same kid wet his pants, that same kid went running to his mom screaming two times and she kept bringing him back and making everything worse..... I think only one or two graduation hats stayed on the right way the whole time. Most were falling off or completely crooked. The loud obese child I have in my class danced the night away when it was our turn. When it was the little kids turn, only one girl sang. Very loudly. Very off key. But it was funny. And my hair!! I did it so nice and neat and between the rain, power outage and running around trying to figure everything out it was completely ruined! But that was really the least of my worries. It all worked out, they were cute and we survived. But it was a far cry from the smoothe sailing we had envisioned. I asked Kerwin as we were walking out if it was disastrous or memorable. He said these are the best kinds. They're the most fun. And he's right. But while the power was out and we were trying to figure out what to do, I nearly broke down and cried. Very nearly. And now I'm just starting to talk about nothing so I better quit before it gets worse. Oh how I wish I had a video of the whole night. And oh how I wish I had a picture of our crooked little caps. I love my kids:)
3 weeks ago
Definitely Memorable! Usually a little stressful at the time, but then looking back a time filled with great memories and the kids just being who they truly are:)Thanks for sharing. I love you. Blessings
an evening to remember
an evening to remember
Well, I agree, definitely memorable. Sorry it was so hectic, but glad it was able to go on. Sorry for the one that missed it too. Anyway, we still love you. God bless you!!!!
Guess who.
Sarah, You make me laugh soooo hard!!! I love ya!!
Poor poor Sarah :)
I really have nothing to say. Isn't that sad?
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