Well we just had our preschool board meeting this morning and it has been made official. Sometime this summer I'm planning to move back to Illinois. I actually started praying about it in Septmember. I was really starting to feel like after this school year, I would be done. I asked God for a small sign. I said I didn't need anything huge, just a little something to reassure me that what I was thinking was from him and was the right thing. I even asked specifically to be shown a verse about going home. November 1 I was sitting in church. It was our homecoming weekend and I was looking around at everyone, wondering if next homecoming I would still be living here of if I would be there as a visitor. The minister got up and said we were going to read out of Mark 5. So I opened up my Bible and looked down to see verse 19 which says "Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee." I know some people will argue over "signs" and whether we should or shouldn't ask for them. But for me, I like having something that reassures that the decisions I make are directed by the Lord. Reading a verse like that was exactly what I had asked for and since that day I have not once doubted that making plans to move to IL is the right thing to do. I realize things could change. Two years ago I said I was going to move back but due to a few different circumstances, I ended up staying. And that was perfectly fine with me. I'm glad I had two more years here. I will miss it so much when I'm gone, but there are things I look forward to- mostly living close to my family again. I'm planning to move sometime this summer, most likely towards the end of July.
Phew. I'm so glad I can tell people freely now. I've been trying to keep in a little hush hush until the board meeting just for the sake of waiting until it was official. But now you all know. And that's all I have to say about that:)
3 weeks ago