Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Dear Friend:)

I have this friend.  Her name is LeaAnn.

  I promised her that if she read AND commented on my blog, I would dedicate a post to her.  Oh the things I will do to get people to comment!  But really, she is a dear friend.  Actually, she's my second cousin.  I always knew who she was because of family reunions and stuff but I never really talked to her.  She's about six years younger than me and back when I actually went to family reunions, that was way too far out of my age group to play with.  Come to think of it, I think we were all kinda snotty to each other.  We hung out with our first cousins but never really interacted with our second cousins until we were older.  Anyways, onto LeaAnn.  About four or five years ago she was going on the same Jamaica trip that I was.  I remember thinking that she was my second cousin who was younger enough that I was sure she was still probably had some growing up to do.  It really boiled down to the fact that there were a lot of new people going that I didn't know and they were all in high school and I had a bad attitude about it.  But, she proved me wrong.  We had a great time and ever since then have gotten to be better and better friends.  Now I hang out with her on a regular basis when I happen to be in Illinois!  So, LeaAnn, here's your post, I'm sorry I thought you weren't grown up yet, I love being with you cause you can always make me laugh, I'm glad you come to Athens sometimes, I think you need to go to Jamaica again, and I think you rock at nintendo!  You're the coolest!

Welp, there you have it.  My dear friend:)


Erin said...

So if I comment on your blog do I get a post???

Karen and Joe said...

You started something.... how about a post on those who always comment??! hehhe jk

Karen and Joe said...

She sounds like a great girl and a fun friend. I love comments too and may have to do something like that on my blog :)

sarah said...

Erin, I think I already posted about you????? Karen- first I need a picture of you and me together, so one of us is going to need to buy a plane ticket:)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sarah....I feel so blessed....I don't even really know what to say...but it does look like you got your self in a little pickle with your other relatives...I am so thankful we had that Jamaica trip together...what would we be like today without it. I love you so much and I think I'm already addicted to checking your blog out so it may go on for a lifetime. apparently I forgot my password so I am just going to remain know..for identity reasons.