Sunday, February 22, 2009

Two More Weeks!!!!!!!!!

Oh my word, two more weeks until Jamaica. Every year I get home from one trip and start counting down the days until the next trip. This will be trip number nine. I'm more excited this year than I have been in a few years for some reason. I think because for a long time I didn't know if I would be going or not. I thought I might be going to Haiti instead. And while I love Haiti and want to go back really bad, it would just be so so sad to miss my Kingston trip. So two months ago when I made the final decision, I got really really excited. And now it's about all I can think about.

Ahhhh..... warm temperatures with soft tropical breezes flowing through the beautiful palm trees......

A beautiful land, flowing with ting and Red Stripe.... except I only drink the ting. Not the Red Stripe.

And quality time with quality people. I just love it.

It will be really nice to get away and "regroup" spiritually too. My devotions lately have been a little unorganized, a little spastic, and quite honestly, a little lacking. All completely my own fault. I can tell, too. I've just been a little blah lately. And I know that has a lot to do with it. I am ashamed to admit it, but that's the truth.

Well I hate to end on that note but I really don't have much else to say. Sorry. I hope everyone has a great week!


Anonymous said...

You sort of resemble your mother in that bandana... :)
Hilton wedding...April 11th. FYI for you!

Erin said...

Yay! Two weeks. I am already making plans to come down. I'm so ready to get my hands dirty and work and to get away for a week. WhooHooHoo! See you soon. I love you.

Karen and Joe said...

How fun that sounds! I'm excited for you! We love Jamaica too, thats where we spent our honeymoon. What a great experience it sounds like you will have, and it will help get you out the rut you feel you are in, and we all get ourselves in at I'll live through you to get myself motivated as well! :)