Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Still Laughing

So for those of you who didn't come to Alabama this weekend, you missed out. I seriously don't think we stopped laughing the entire time. And the things that happened still make me laugh out loud. Rebekah, Sarah Laub, Gab, Erin D, Caleb and Tony managed to make it in one piece about 1:30 Saturday morning. After sitting and talking for awhile we all went to bed and decided to be up and ready to go by 11:00. I guess we were feeling ambitious and wanted to get an early start. And just to remove all questions from everyone's mind, the guys stayed at the church. (We have beds and a shower over there.) And the girls stayed in my apartment. So we got up and went to Cracker Barrel. Then we had plans to go to the US Space and Rocked Center over in Huntsville but it was a lot more expensive than we wanted to pay. So I called Mark (who lives down here and is a pilot) and he took us flying. He had to take three trips cause it was really a teeny bopper of a plane. But for those of us who had the front seat on our trips up, (me, Beks and Tony) we all got to fly the plane. Gab and Caleb were in the back seat when it was my turn to fly and they can confirm that I am in no way shape or form a daredevil. But it was pretty fun anways. Then we came back to my place and were going to go to a place that Mark told us about that portrays how Alabama used to be, but when we looked it up, it's closed between December and February. And it just was too early for supper so we went bowling for an hour. Then went to a BBQ resturant that is about as southern as you can get. It was good though. Then we came back again to play games. Then Melissa and Mark took us to this swampy, marshy place that's pretty eerie especially at night to freak us out. It worked. Then we went to Wal-Mart for brownie mix and ice cream. Then we baked the brownies and had dessert. I'm sure you all are enjoying the play by play. Sunday morning we all made pancakes and sausage. All meaning, if you had a free minute you stopped by and made a few pancakes until someone else could take over. It really was a group effort. Sunday lunch was at CasaBlanca and then sadly, everyone left. The blog really does the weekend no justice. But I had to talk about it. But my computer is about ready to turn off cause the library's closing so I gotta go. Maybe next time the rest of you can come too. Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well I see that it's been a week since I've posted anything so I feel like I should be writing something but I just don't really have anything new to talk about. And I have a headache right now so it kind of hurts to think. Today was one of those days where I just kind of put myself into survival mode and hoped for the best. The afternoon was a little better than the morning, but after awhile three year olds really start to get the best of me. Today I had nine. Tomorrow I'm supposed to have 11, Thursday I'm supposed to have 10, and Friday I'm supposed to have 13. Yippee skippee. Friday is pajama day though so that's a perk. I'm really looking forward to this weekend when people come and see me. I'm not sure what we're going to do yet. I have a few ideas but we'll probably just kind of play it by ear and see what people are in the mood to do. Okay I'm going to go now. Somebody tell me a joke please. Bye.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Terribly Offended

Yesterday was Gab's birthday and being the good friend that I am I called to wish her a happy one. But she didn't answer so I sang to her on her voicemail. She e-mailed me today and said my message was a gag and that it takes talent to sing that bad. See if I ever talk to her again.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My Latest Discovery

So tonight I discovered that Alabama cops are no more merciful than Illinois cops. Although he did give me a ticket for blowing a stop sign instead of speeding. Even though I'm almost positive I stopped. And if I didn't it was the slowest roll stop you ever saw. I have never even seen a speed limit sign posted where he said I was speeding. And he followed me for over a mile way far back. And I don't even know how much the ticket is. I have to call the number he gave me to find out. It's just dumb. So to make me feel better I think you all need to come visit me the last weekend of January. For real. Come. Talk to Bekah if you want details. But you need to come.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Jean Shilove Pierre

Okay so I'm not sure how this is all going to look when I hit publish. I just learned how to post pictures tonight and between it being my first attempt and being computer illiterate, we'll see how this turns out. I had another close up picture of Shilove (pronounced She-love with the "o" pronounced like it is in stove.) modeling his new glasses which totally make him look studly but I did something and it went away and I'm not sure how to get it back. And also they didn't go in the order that I thought they were going to and I can't figure out how to get them moved to where I want them. You can laugh at me if you want. Angie did. I'm just really slow when it comes to computers. I'll get it figured out some day. Anyways, mom and dad left for Haiti this morning and took Shilove with them. It was sad but I didn't cry this time. He was awfully chatty last night. Usually he goes to sleep within about 30 seconds. But last night he laid awake and talked about all kinds of things until I pretended to be asleep. Then he was out really quick. Sigh..... I miss him.

I love to kiss his squishy cheeks but he's not too fond of it.

Our last "me and Shilove" picture at the airport this morning before he left. Pay no heed to the small mountain range that recently popped up on the left side of my nose.

His goofy personality shining through.

He really doesn't have something growing out the side of his head. But I thought he looked really cute in this picture and he just happened to be sitting in front of a lamp.

Quote by Robey

"Did you know that the root word of analytical is anal? That's me."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I have a great sister in law

So I'm going to Doc's Diner with Angie and Erin for lunch. And my car won't start. So I call my wonderful sister in law Jamie who is going to Doc's with Amy Jackson and she is willingly coming all the way out to my parents to pick me up and taking me back into town. And she will probably willingly bring me back. So now I'm sitting here waiting on her. I got my new camera and I'm planning to mess around with it and figure out how to get pictures on here but not right now. I want to post some pictures of Shilove. He's going back to Haiti tomorrow. It's very sad. They took him to the doctor for his cataracts but they can't fix his left eye because it turns out he has a detached retina. They think it used to be his good eye but then he got hit in the eye and it made the retina detatch. So we just got him some glasses with a stronger prescription and not scratched up like his other ones were. The pair he came with seemed like it would have been a pair that was thrown into a "Put your old glasses here for the poor people" box at a church or school or something. I see Jamie. I'm going to go now.