I got proposed to at Wal-Mart today three times by the same guy. I also got totally scammed by him. I'm really mad at myself and embarrased too that I fell for it. Well, take that back. I didn't really fall for it but the guy was ruthless and I was ready to pay him just to back off. He was standing out front and when I walked up he said I dropped something so of course I turn around and look. And that's how we started our nice chat. His story was that he was from Bosnia and over here on some kind of program but he had to earn points to get money for his education. And in order to get points he has to sell magazines. I said I didn't want any magazines and he said I could buy a subscription to a Disney magazine and donate it to the local children's hospital. I mean this guy was totally messing with me. He asked me three times to marry him throughout the conversation, at one point he told me I was on candid camera, and every time I said something he liked he said "Oh I love you too." He was really weirding me out and I told him that but he couldn't seem to figure out why. So I should have just been rude and walked away but I just couldn't make myself be that mean. But at least I didn't go down without a fight. I asked him all kinds of questions and I told him over and over I didn't think he was legit. And first he told me 45 dollars for a 3 year subscription and then at the end he said 60 dollars. Because there was a one time processing fee. There was no way I was paying that much so as soon as he could see that, he only conned me out of the 45. He said "You just watch, I'll be talking to someone else when you come out." But when I left Wal-Mart he was nowhere to be seen. And I may have been gullible but at least I wasn't stupid. I paid with cash and refused to give him my name or address. I thought Yeah right I'll give you my debit card number or a check with all my information on it! Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me so mad when I think about it. But I can't do anything about it now so I guess I'll just have to chalk it up as a learning experience.
But on another note, Wal-Mart did make my heart happy because they have their big Christmas section open now. I didn't linger, but I did have to stick my head in for just a minute. And speaking of happy hearts, one of my kids saw that I was getting frustrated today and he said "Miss Sarah! Open up your heart and let the sun shine in!" He made me laugh. I wasn't terribly frustrated, it was just a few minutes things started to get a little crazy. But control was regained and all was well. Until I went to Wal-Mart..........
3 weeks ago
Wow, he sounds creepy. Just reading the story made me uncomfortable. I'm sorry that you lost $45, but I probably would have just walked away...I don't have $45 to give :( I love you. Stay safe down there...no more giving money to strangers (unless its the Salvation Army bell ringers...they're usually pretty safe :)
Excuse me miss, but I'm a poor refugee from Cameroon, West Africa. I received an excellent education at a British primary school, but have been unable to practice my profession here in the United States due to egregious licensing laws. My family has already moved to their new home on the Nishnabotna River in the state of Iowa, but I'm stuck in New York City because the Dept. of Homeland Security wanted to investigate my background before they let me go. While enduring their ridiculous interrogations, I ran out of funds. If you could just send a few dollars toward bus fare, I could finally see my family again. They were able to come to America three years ago, and I haven't seen them since. I haven't even been able to talk with them because I couldn't afford the phone call. My wife was pregnant when she left Cameroon, and I haven't seen my bably yet and he's almost three years old now. I can tell you are a wonderful person, because most people would have thought the gentleman from Bosnia was a crook, and you treated him so nicely. I think you're wonderful, and if I wasn't already married, I'd ask you to marry me.
ummm...that last comment is weird.
sarah i too am sorry you were conned into lettin go of 45 dollars. I would have screamed and run away.
i'm going to taylor this weekend. it's been a long time since i've been there.
Erin- anon. is funny, not weird. I'm sure the people in the library wondered why I was laughing so hard. My guess is either Robey, Angie or Herb. Other than that I just don't know.
I did not like that story. It made me scared for you all alone down there.
Next time kick him in the you-know-whats. I mean it.
At least it was only $45 and not something bad. I would not be able to take that. I would hunt him down and kick him in the you-know-whats myself.
I love you and miss you and wish I could see you when you come home next.
i'm guessing herb. i didn't do it, and i don't think robes did because he didn't know about the story until i read it...which was after ledonsuhpe dude posted.
i'm thinking my father-in-law. it sounds like something his creative mind would think of...
i don't think caleb did it.
Erin. Erin. Erin. After such a blessed weekend together. I can't believe you would give me the credit, I mean .. BLAME me!
it was a blessed weekend. i thoroughly enjoyed being able to spend some time you again, but it just sounds like a story you could have come up with. I mean all the geography (cameroon, west africa; nishnabotna River) i'm not blaming only speculating.
I did actually think of your father-in-law myself.......
Isn't it fun to say Nishnabotna?
actually yes it is...
does this mean you are the story teller...
le DON suh PE -LON suh
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