Thursday, August 08, 2013

What Was I Thinking?!?!

This summer while I've been babysitting, the challenge has always been to find something to do on the cheap.  Or even better- free!  Today we found ourselves going out to lunch and then PetSmart to look at the animals and fish they had in the store.  We came to the bunny rabbit section and one of the girls lamented over how much she would love to have a bunny because they're so cute.  I had to agree that yes, they are cute.  But I also had a memory come to mind.  A memory that I knew I absolutely couldn't share with the missing-her-two-front-teeth-big-brown-eyes-girl in front of me.
Have you ever done something in order to try and look cool and really it's about the dumbest thing you could do at the time?  Something that, when your parents ask you what in the world were you thinking, you really have no answer?  You just really weren't thinking?  Turns out, I used to have a pet bunny myself.  Her name was Nibbles.  I had her for about two years, from 5th to 7th grade or so.  I really liked Nibbles!  She was really cute- she looked about like the rabbit here.  But for the sake of coolness, Nibbles is no longer among the living.
I shot Nibbles.  Granted, it was just a BB gun, but I shot her nonetheless.  My brother had a friend over and had gotten in trouble for something while the friend was there.  After lunch, my brother had to make restitution for whatever it was he had done, and it was left to me to entertain the friend.  He and my brother had been using the gun before lunch he wanted to keep using it afterwards.  Between the need to prove that I knew how to use the gun and his convincing me it wouldn't hurt the rabbit, we took turns firing at poor Nibbles.  And even more importantly, I had a huge crush on this guy's cousin and just KNEW that he would pass the word along that I was soooo cool!
Then my aim happened to be dead on and I hit Nibbles.  It didn't kill her right away, but I had never seen her jump that high!  We were far enough away that it didn't even really cause bad injuries, however, she was so traumatized and didn't move for the next few days until she finally just died.  As  soon as I hit her I realized what I did.  I was too scared to say anything so we just quietly put the gun away and went on with our afternoon.  I thought I was home free until my dad found her dead in her cage.  Then I had a LOT of explaining to do. 
You know how I said sometimes we do things just to look cool even though it's a really stupid choice and we don't really know what we were thinking?  I had no explanation for my dad.  And he didn't think I was cool right then.  Lesson learned.
Poor, poor Nibbles.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hillarious! :)