Thursday, August 23, 2012

My New Life

Well my new life which now consists of school has been going quite well.  I have one week under my belt now and out of four classes, I think I'm going to like three of them.  The one I'm not really excited about is the history of OT and blah blah blah.  We're already diving in with some research stuff- whoop de dooooo!  Something I've never enjoyed.  My other OT class is Theraputic Media which is a lot about the use of arts and crafts in OT.  So far we've painted, colored, done a personality collage, and a yarn craft thing.  Definitely more up my alley!  Then I have a psycology class which I wasn't super thrilled about having to take, but the professor is reeeeaaaalllly good.  So far anyway.  And that helps tremendously.  She makes me want to be there.  And then there's Spanish.  Fun, but hard.  And since I have three other classes, I can't devote quite as much time to it as I would like but hopefully I at least gain a little ground over the next few months.

Oh- and I'm also teaching Sunday School this year.  3 yr olds.  Yay!  Usually they have mom's do the three year old class but none of them were really available this year.  So my cousin (who is sending her little boy this year) asked me if I wanted to do it and I jumped on it!  I'm pretty excited about that.  It will be good for letting me get my kid fix since it looks like I won't be teaching preschool again any time soon.

Today I made a wonderful/terrible discovery.  I discovered all the goodness of the food carts just a couple blocks down from school!  So fun!  And so tasty!  But so unhealthy:(  And so costing money:(  So the goal is to limit myself- a lot.  But occasionally I WILL be partaking.  It's just like a big city.  Or Mexico.  Take your pick.  There's a Chinese food cart, Mexican, BBQ, and a couple more across the street that I didn't go check out.  And if I'm being honest, it will probably be more than occasionally.

Oh one more thing.  I was going to try and get a picture but......  Something that excites me greatly right now is the fact that my dad's combine is sitting out in the yard, getting ready for harvest!  Even though harvest will be pretty dismal and depressing this year, I still can't help but be excited for it.  Yay!

My mom just called me.  On the phone.  I'm upstairs.  She's downstairs.  Oh boy....


Angie said...

I liked this whole post :)
I am glad you're teaching Sunday School. You are awesome :)

Kyle and Trish said...

Ok, I read the first paragraph of this post thinking OT stood for Old Testament. I was like, arts and crafts??
:) - trish