Sunday, March 01, 2009

IOU one egg casserole

I meant to blog earlier about Thursday night but just didn't have the time. Nate and Jamie called me on Tuesday and said they were going to Florida and could they stop by Thursday night for supper. YAY! So they came through with Haley Jo and spent the night here. We went to Logan's for supper then came back to my place to hang out for awhile. It was short but sweet. Haley is so stinkin CUTE! And she's gotten a lot bigger since Christmas. Sitting up all by herself and trying to crawl! I miss her. I miss Nate and Jamie too, but I can't really pick them up and cuddle them like I can with Haley. Thanks for coming guys!

Friday night I was planning to go sing at the nursing home but had been wanting to go to the circus. Well, Jena's grandparents were down and decided that they wanted to see the circus too, so I went.

Saturday morning I got up and went to breakfast at Mark and Bekah's. Some of Bekah's friends (who have become my friends over the past couple years) came down for a visit. They haven't been here since her and Mark got married so they were due for a visit. I don't have too many pictures because I didn't spend the whole day with them. I had so much to do to get ready for Jamaica. And it made me sad to not be with them the whole time but it would have been downright foolish to not spend the day getting ready for my trip. Because I have no free nights next week. But anyways, like I said, I don't have too many pictures but I'll put up a few of the ones I do have.

Playing "Meet the Cow" Have the blindfolded person point to different parts of the cow and when they point to the tail, stick their finger in something gooey. In this case, sour cream.

The girls (minus Hope who was taking the picture) Bekah, me, Emily, Jarrin, LeAnn and Jena.

The Human Chair

and THEN............
Sunday morning we woke up to a SNOW DAY!
That's right- SNOW! Enough to cancel church. You should have seen the blizzard! Craziness! We did manage to make it back to Mark and Bekah's for breakfast again and our own little Bible Study, but it was probably stupid for us to drive in that crazy of weather. I did get a picture of a couple of the bigger drifts. Ready? Really? It's a lot of snow........ here goes.......



Holy Cow it's HUGE!

Okay, so maybe that was after it melted a little. But really, we probably had a total of 1 to 1 1/2 inches of snow. But for the Alabamians, it was enough to cancel church. So we went to M and B's as planned for breakfast before having our own little church in their living room. Complete with special numbers and everything! It made for a really good day.

We left their house about 1:00 to go out for lunch. After lunch, the vanload dropped me and Jena off at home before heading home themselves. I had made some Rice Krispie bars and wanted to give them a containter for the road so I ran inside to get it. When I opened the door to go back out to the van, this is what was waiting for me.
A big giant GROUP HUG!*

*Picture is re-enactment.

So, it was another great weekend with lots of good memories made. Praise God for great Christian friendships, right? Love you all!


Erin said...

4 days! So Excited! YAY!

Anonymous said...

i want memories

Anonymous said...

lol I truly just was NOT SURE if that was the real deal with the group hug picture...I'm so glad you had that disclaimer stating that it was a reinactment...
he he
I see you on thurs. and fri...

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious...I almost forgot you were coming on Friday...isn't that awful? Your Facebook message reminded me.

I shall see you at noon for lunch though I may be a little groggy 'cause I work the night :(

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for Friday. Like you don't even know. I just really miss you a lot and want to spend some time with you.

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that you are a heathen too. You chose the circus over singing to the elderly. Hypocrite.