And now we are to the end of the week. Wow - it was so hard to leave this year. So hard. And here is the last picture I took. Out the bus window, there she stands. My good friend and sister Erin who is serving the Lord in Jamaica. Seeing you stand there crying as we left still gets me a little choked up. But I know you love it and that's exactly where God wants you and where you want you. So good to be with you!
So there you have it folks. Jamaica 09. I really should have waited until tomorrow to post because I really needed to just go to bed but I just was so excited. Congratulations if you made it all the way through and are still reading. Thanks for sticking with me. Tomorrow is back to the grindstone. I'll be struggling to be happy about being at work I'm sure, but it must be done, right? I am so thankful for this trip. I can't really think of one complaint from the whole week. It was so rejuvenating and refreshing and I loved every minute of it. As mission trips go, it's really hard to put into words. I'm still just trying to process it all. Oh, and since this is so long and it pretty late and I really need sleep, I'm not previewing and editing. So I'm sorry for all you grammar people out there who find all my mistakes.
Great post, Sarah! Loved the pictures! Glad you had an awesome trip but I do have to say it's good to have you back with us, too :)
Thanks for sharing your trip! I wish I could go with you again sometime! Hope you have a good day! I love you!
I love my Sarah. I miss you already. I'm glad I got to sit next to you in church. :)
I'll see you at Easter!
made it through with tears streaming down my face. Sheesh thanks sarah I thought I was done crying over you! I love you too, and am wondering if maybe it was so hard to leave because maybe this is where you are to be in the future???
Yes! I figured out how to comment! Your pictures are so great! I especially LOVE the clothespins picture :) I miss you already! Have a great week. Love you.
oh SARAH!! your post makes me miss jamaica SOOO badly!! i'm glad you had a blast though! :D
i made it through the whole thing...i know. you should be proud. i am going to take a nap now.
So looking at the picture of someone putting ice in someones bed it goes to show you how good of friends someone has when another someone is standing there taking pictures of this someone putting ice in someones bed and is encouraging them as they do this horrible act to someone (man that is a lot of someones)
whatever chris. i don't know what you're talking about.
some do have great friends who support them in thier actions and then laugh with them when late at night they hear a yell of SOMEONE! NOT COOL!
Hewo, Sawah...
I, too, am sadly back in the States. Boo hoo. I would much rather be in Magdalena. We found a house!!!! I'll have to tell you all about it. I love you. I loved reading your post. Can't wait to talk to you.
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