Okay I accidentally hit enter a few too many times on that last post and rather than delete it I'll just start over. So- I got tagged. And I know I'm supposed to make links to the people who tagged me and links for the people I want to tag. But, I am so very technologically impaired that I don't know how to do links. I tried figuring it out with the help information blogger gave me but to no avail. And since I do not have computer savvy friends readily available, (unless they want to take a roadtrip) I'll just post seven random things about myself and call it good enough. Oh- and Taryn tagged me. But don't try to click on her name. Nothing will happen. Okay here goes.
1.) I have a very strong sense of smell. I love to smell things. And sometimes if I have two or three kids pairs of socks at work and don't know who's is who's, I'll smell them to figure it out. And I'm usually right.
2.) I was born with six fingers. The sixth was boneless and the doctor just tried to cut it off by tying a string around it really tight. He got all but a little bit and what he missed is still there. It looks kinda like a wart but it's soft like skin.
3.) I never really played dolls and girly things as a child. Since it was just me and my brother I had to play boy things if I wanted to be with him. Usually we would play farm. He would be plowing up the living room floor and I would be the farm wife who brought him supper to the field. Usually it was saltine crackers.
4.) I love to travel. And even thought it sounds exciting to travel the world, I think I would rather just explore all the United States before I head anywhere else. Besides work trips. There's so much diversity in this country and I still haven't seen all of it.
5.) I don't like roller coasters. I've tried, and they're just not my thing. I'm a wimp. I can kinda handle them if it's one with a shoulder harness. But stick me on one with just a lap bar and I'm done for. I hate them. And forget carnival rides. Unless you want to clean up my puke.
6.) My favorite food has always been pizza. My parents told me that as I got older I'd probably outgrow that but it hasn't happened yet. Give me a pizza over a steak any day. Throw in a Mt. Dew and I'm the happiest girl around.
7.) One time I went to Florida five times in a year. That was a few years ago and it was great. They were all fairly short trips but they were all really good.
So there you have it. Seven random facts about me. Now, I'm hungry and I'm going to go get some soup from Quizno's. It's rainy, gray, cool day and soup will be just perfect. Love you all!
3 weeks ago
Sarah, I thought sure you'd tell about the time you.....oh, never mind. I love you always. Dad
Great facts. I also despise roller coasters/carnival rides. I've decided that people like us were why they invented games & really good food to also be at festivals. That way, we can be the coat/bag holders while all our friends go on rides, but how can we do that without an Elephant Ear and Lemonade Shake-up?
I thought you'd go get some pizza.
Sarah, you make me smile! I loved all your facts. Especially the one of you and Nate playing together, I can just see you bringing "supper" out to the "field"! Libby rode with U. Brent yesterday and had so much fun. Poor Brent, she probably talked his ear off. Well... I should get moving! I love you lots and miss you tons!
Wow! all the questions I have ever had about you are now answered! Have a great week. love you
i'm not sure what to say other than I love you. when is your next trip up here?
I thoroughly enjoyed knowing 7 facts about you---cept for I knew them all. Even the smell one. Weird.
Have I told you lately that I miss you? Are you coming home before Thanksgiving since you aren't going to be home for that? I want to see your beautiful visage.
I love you I love you I love you!
You have no idea how jealous I am that you got to go to FL 5 times in one year.
i thought of you this morning...i'm wearing my puffy vest...
Oh, Sarah...I love you : )
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