Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I'm really hungry. I got my oil changed today. I can't remember the last time I did that. It was probably like mud. Jenae is gone for the weekend. I haven't seen Meika since Wednesday. Not sure when she gets back from Maine. We drew names for our apartment Christmas. I wonder who has me......... I've had the same piece of gum for a really long time and it's getting really gross. Only four more months until I go to Jamiaca. Two and a half until I go to Haiti. Three and a half until I go to Florida. I hope my boss doesn't fire me over all that. It's 66 degrees in our house right now. Still hasn't hit 54 yet. I think that's our record. Tomorrow's "Friday"!!!!!!! Did I mention I'm hungry? I guess I'll go remedy that situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uummm, Sarah, tomorrow is Wednesday on my calendar. Maybe you should go to bed.