Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Lakes 2018

Once again, a good time was had by all:)  

For who knows how many years now, our nephew has slept in this getup.  We wondered if the giraffe would still make an appearance or if he would finally have been grown out of it.  But sure enough, on the first night, there he was!

Summer really wanted to play with the blow up shark IN the water.

Sawyer really wanted to play with it OUT of the water.

One day while swimming, Summer found herself surrounded by all the nasty duckweed.  I was so grossed out!  But not enough that I didn't take the time to get a picture before I told her to swim the other way!  And she really didn't even hardly notice or think it was gross so I guess all was well.

One of Sawyer's other favorite places in OR out of the water: sitting in the kayak.  By the way, you'll notice the trend that Danny is the one always in the water with the kids and not me.  He doesn't seem to mind and I sure don't complain!

"Mommy, can you zip me up?"

Tube ride for both kiddos.  This was the "slow tubing" session.

Turtles and frogs abound at the lakes.  And I was rather impressed at how much Summer got into it and wanted to hold them all the time.  I thought she would freak out!

Built in besties for life:)

I wish I could type out how he pronounces the word boat.  He loved pretending to drive that thing!

Going to play tennis in style....

The preggos in order of due dates:)

Due just five days apart!  I'm due first, but guess who's probably NOT going to deliver first... oh well.

17 out of 18 grandkids in order of age.

He tries.  He really does.  But he's a toddler.  And a boy.  And sometimes he just CAN'T!!  But he's still cute:)

These two.  I love how much they love to be together.  They're not perfect and they definitely have their moments of normal sibling rivalry.  But so many times they just play so good together and it helps make my job that much easier.  It will be interesting to see how a new baby affects all that!

And then we had to come home:(  Such a good week!!

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