Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Full And Fabulously Fun Fall

We've had a busy fall, but we've sure enjoyed it!  A few weeks ago, when street fair was in town, we took a break from all the deep fried goodness one night and opted for a picnic in the park.  We had quiche, zucchini chocolate chip bread, and peaches.  Not a very picnic-y meal, but tasty nonetheless. We had a grand ole time enjoying the nice weather and each other's company.

Summer wasn't really into the family selfie thing.

We also headed to Chuck-E-Cheese and the zoo with Danny's family one Saturday.

It was a beautiful day and the ostrich was very friendly.  And he likes pretzels.  But don't tell the zookeepers.

This past weekend we went camping at St. Mary's Lake in Ohio.  Summer loves to be outside, so she did great!  One afternoon she sat by the fire in her bumbo for over an hour just happy as could be!

But all the outside time must have worn her out because she who typically sleeps in 30 minute increments, (no joke- it's very rare to go much longer than that) slept for TWO AND A HALF HOURS both days during her naptime!!  I was hoping she'd keep it up once we got home but so far that hasn't been the case:(

We had one cool and cloudy day, but other than that we had nice weather for some yard games 

And some playground time.

It was a great time, but I was ready to come home and eat a meal that didn't involve a little cast iron square!

And the good news is, there's more fabulous fall fun yet to come!  Stay tuned...

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