Monday, April 15, 2013

Weddin' Weekend

The only bad thing about a really great weekend?  It has to come to an end eventually.  So now I'll just have to remember the words of Dr. Suess and smile because it happened rather than crying because it's over:)
Well folks, she's married!  The weekend started off Friday night with the respective parties.  Rumor has it that the bachelor party consisted of fine dining at a nice restaurant.  Us?  We went to Chuck E Cheese!  It was a great time filled with some hard core games of skee ball, basketball, deal or no deal, and many more.  Followed by a trip to DeBrand, which I had heard such great things about but never partook of all the goodness it has to offer.  My opinion?  Might have to swing by again next time I'm in Ft. Wayne!
Pictures were Saturday morning and it was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like, all your extremities go numb and can't hardly move your jaw to talk freezing.  But somehow, still fun! 
All the bridesmaids minus one.

After pictures, everyone dispersed pretty quickly.  So what was supposed to be everyone eating lunch together turned into just us girls (well, and Joe) going out to lunch.  All we cared was that we had warm food and drink to bring our body temperatures back to normal and we accomplished that AND had a tasty lunch so I'd say it was successful.

I didn't get any pictures at the rehearsal supper but it all went off without a hitch from what I could tell.  It was set up beautifully and the food was A. Maze. Ing. 
Sunday morning at the fellowship hall, waiting for lunch to start (kinda sounds like all we did was eat, doesn't it?), it was still cold!!
During lunch I realized I never took a picture of the happy couple, who at this point, were ready to be DONE with cameras in their faces.  But yet they obliged.  What nice people:)

And that was the last of my pictures.  I didn't carry my camera around the reception with me, though I wish I had. 

*Insert super cute picture of small children slow dancing while Aaron and Cassie sang*

The whole weekend was really special and I felt so honored to be a part of it.  Aaron and Cass were beaming the whole time and as she would say, love was flowing like milk and honey!

I booked it out of there pretty quick after they left and was well on my way until just a few miles down the road when I realized I forgot my dress!  So I backtracked, ran in and grabbed the dress, and was well on my way for real.  Today, I was tiiiiirrrrreeeeeed.  But it was a "my heart is full" tired and that's always a good thing:)


sarah.flyingkites said...

Thanks for posting this! We were gone all weekend and missed it. Looks like a blast!

Anonymous said...

x-roomie, aaron and I are sitting here in Hawaii laughing at your post. Thanks for being part of my special weekend but thanks more for being my friend! love,