Monday, July 23, 2012

The Bruise

 Out in Denver, my cousin decided to punch me one night.  Hard.  Out of the blue.  Just for the fun of it.  I guess he was reverting back to the days of being a pesky younger brother?  Not really sure.  But it hurt. 

At first I was a little dissapointed at how little of a battle wound I had from the incident.  Just a very light bruse.

But things progressed nicely.

Pretty soon it was big and ugly and everyone was asking about it.  I even had a client who was concerned I was in an abusive relationship and wondered if she should call a hotline for me.

It's healing slowly, but over two weeks later, I still have a good story to tell!


Tifani said...

I think Jared needs to go to "bullying" classes ; )

Raquel said...

wow jared... i would say nicely done, but YOU HIT A GIRL. lol

sarah, if it makes you feel any better, limon and kristi got up to denver today and you could have limon punch jared back for you as payback! :-]

p.s. i'm in IL -- see you at the wedding!?