Monday, June 11, 2012


I don't know about all you other small town folk, but in mine we have an official "cruise route".  Yup, we're that cool.  Pretty much it's the route all the high schoolers drive when they're out cruising in their cars.  Although I don't think there's near as much cruising going on these days as there has been in years past.

Sidenote: When I turned 16, gas was $0.87 a gallon.  *insert big sigh here*

So, due to gas no longer being 87 cents per gallon, kids find other sources of entertainment besides cruising.  But the other night after a birthday party, I had the job of taking my aunt and cousin home.  We weren't quite ready for the night to end.  Someone- I don't even really remember who- suggested taking a lap on the cruise route.  You know, for old time's sake.  So we did.  Rolled down the windows and turned up the music and everything!  The music selection was Selah- a bit different from the drums and guitars we heard booming from the speakers back in yesteryear:)  And since we were doing something so cool, we had to stop and take a picture.  So here we are, showing off our coolness as we take a lap on the cruise route!

Don't you aspire to be like us?


boni said...

Not really....

Sara said...

Dorks. But that's why i love ya!

Angie said...

Just wow!

Gail said...

That is why I live in Congerville!