Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jamaica 2010

Well Jamaica was awesome, as usual.  Memories made, work done, spritually rejuvenating and just plain FUN! 

The work we did (some of it at least)...

Sorting, organizing and pulling nails out of wood so it can be reused. 

Mixing/pouring cement

Breaking up cement under the swingset and refilling it with sand so the kids have a softer place to land when they fall.

Building walls

Painting/repainting/touching up paint

Some of the kids I love so much

My sponsor kids



Our failure of a beach day

The sign that greeted us upon our arrival at Ocho Rios/Dunns River Falls

Drab, cold, gray and rainy

The entertainment of the week

Huge euchre tournament, complete with trophy (sorry it's sideways).  Trophy consisted of a syrup bottle wrapped in tinfoil with scorecards sticking out the top!

Setting up a pigeon trap with the goal of catching enough to butcher and eat for supper.  I caught the first one!  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) the goal was never completed.


The team, minus Victoria Stoller who couldn't come until Tuesday:(

Discovering and having some fun with an old go-kart we found in the wood room

Beautiful flowers

Very common sight at a stoplight: someone washing windshields in the middle of the intersection looking to make and extra buck.

My thoughts
I have to admit, when I first got the team roster I was a little dissapointed in the fact that there were mostly 18-20 year olds.  BUT- I was wrong to be disspointed.  I loved the group so much and of course had a great week with them.  Quite a few of them were unconverted so the team had a different feel to it than other teams have been.  So there were plenty of people and things to pray for on this team.  I grew to love and care for everyone there.  The ones that need the Lord know how badly the rest of us want it for them.  Doors were opened for some really good talks, along with what I said earlier- just plain fun.  It was the perfect way to start out a new year.  I'm excited to see my kids tomorrow.  It's been three weeks since I've had their cuddles and loves.  It's late though, so I need to go to bed, but I just wanted to share my week!


Erin said...

thanks for sharing your week with me. The tears stopped about about 3/4 of the way back to school (Blake being thankful for the end of it). I love the picture of us sorting wood it looks like I am doing ballet or some other cool dance move while I sort.. and I probably was:) Its FREEZING here as I type I am wrapped in a blanket with a fleece sweatshirt and long skirt, slippers, waiting for my water to boil so I can make a hot drink for myself... let the good times continue! I LOVE YOU!

Angie said...

Always excited to see a Jamaica post! :) So glad it was fun, but I'm sure you're glad to get back to a routine. I miss you already!

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Sarah-
I am very glad you had a good trip. Mommy showed me your pictures and I smiled very big when I saw you. I miss you already. Thank you for my very pretty Jamaica dress. I love you.
Haley Jo

Anonymous said...

Thought we'd see a post. Hoping so anyway. Was good to see the pictures -better to see you. Thankful for the experiences and heart God has given you. Thankful you made it home safe and can now see your other loved ones.

Just a bit about this morning - got pulled over by a cop for suspicion of drunk driving - must stop eating PBJs and driving at the same time so early in the morning.

We love you. God bless you.
Dad and Mom

Mandy said...

I miss Jamaica!!! Wish I could go again sometime. Hopefully God will let that happen again in my life sometime. I'm glad you are back safe and had a good time. Hope your week back at work is going good!

Love you!

Oh, by the way, A. Marge, I just love you!!! :)

Erin said...

can I just add... I noticed you wearing your white skirt (the picture of dephawn with you in the back ground) and your legs are looking SO TAN! Love It!

Anonymous said...

Aw Mandy--We love you too! God bless you!