Anyways, that's the plan. Hopefully the kids go to sleep really fast tomorrow because I'm leaving as soon as they're down. And then I'm rushing as fast as I can to Nate and Jamie's to see Haley. Cause it will be the only time all weekend I can see her. And seeing her is a necessity. Unfortunately I can't speed too much since it's a holiday weekend and the cops will be thick as maggots on a dead dog. That was really gross but it's the first thing to come to my head. Don't ask why. I don't know. Last year over Labor Day weekend when I was coming back home I kept a tally of all the cops I saw. This was on Monday on the actual holiday. I saw 24 cops. 2 in Kentucky, 1 in Tennesse and 21 in Illinois. Crazy.
Then I'm spending Saturday in Gridley after eating with Mandy and Erin and whoever else shows up at Docs. I don't think I've been to Docs since March. It's high time. And going to a wedding Sunday afternoon. And hopefully seeing Angie Monday. And my parents. I'm not sure when I'm going to see them. Good thing I don't have to leave until Monday. Okay, I'm hungry and sick of typing.
3 weeks ago
i hope i get to see you...
hey in that little road trip want to make a pit stop in JA to see me? the inviatations always open... just a thought...Enjoy your weekend. I love you
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