Monday, September 23, 2019

Tucker Joseph Is 1!

Today we celebrate our sweet, happy, content, snuggly baby!   Tucker has been such a joy to have around.  Truly.

I've had all the feels today looking at some of his early pictures, especially those first few post partum days in the hospital.

He has been the only one of my babies who really seemed to enjoy being swaddled and did better if he was wrapped up.  At bedtime I would wrap him up in an actual swaddle/sleep sack thing, but in the evenings we would wrap him up in this fuzzy green frog blanket and he loved it so much.  He had a couple months of evening fussies where I would just pace the floor and shush very loudly while bouncing him up and down all wrapped up in that blanket.  Then he would settle into his swing for an evening nap all cozy and cute:)

He has been my easiest baby overall.  We could take him anywhere!  Including the Selah Christmas concert where he slept for most of the concert EXCEPT for the glass shattering high note on "O Holy Night".  He did not appreciate that.

Most of his baby hair fell out except for his mullet and that awful rooster tail!  I knew it didn't look good but it was so hard for me to cut because it was his sweet, soft, fuzzy newborn hair!  And he liked to play with it and twirl his hand through it while he laid on the floor.  It was his little built in toy!

Tucker started seeing the world early on in his life.  He traveled to Haiti for the first time when he was four months old.  And made a friend while walking down the road:)

He got to go to Florida with the rest of us in March.  

He sometimes likes to practice his yoga moves.

As he's gotten older it's been fun to see him try and tag along with Summer and Sawyer.  They just love him!

He enjoyed his first time at the lakes this year!  He could sit and splash in water for a very long time:)

Then when he was just over ten months old he traveled to Haiti again- this time for quite the extended stay!

We just love him to pieces!

We'll keep him around as long as we can, no question about it!

Tucker Joseph, you're the one,
You make my life lots of fun!
Tucker Joseph we're awfully fond of you!

(sung frequently to the tune of Rubber Ducky)

1 comment:

sarah.flyingkites said...

He is such a cutie! And that piano pic is adorable!