Friday, March 23, 2018

Fun Family Weekends

We are heading to Florida soon and I realized I still haven't posted about some fun family times we've had in the last month or so!  A couple of great back to back weekends- first with my family and then with Danny's.

Getting to spend time with cousins you rarely see is always a great time.  Especially when they are old enough to read books to you and you love to be read to!

I also got to see one of my besties that weekend and enjoy some lunch at her coffee and pie shop.  Twas a treat!  (Her and the food!)

The next weekend we headed a couple hours north to a giant house with Danny's family.  This place had an indoor pool, hot tub, and gym!

Summer really enjoyed the hot tub and started to overcome some of her fears of swimming without a death grip on a nearby adult.

However, she IS her mother's daughter and the big pool was still a little much for her to conquer on her own.  So on the sidelines she sat.  That was me growing up.  Okay it still is a little bit:)  Anyway, hopefully a week in FL will help that along???

Buddy was locked out of the pool area and had to stay in the other part of the house.  Don't worry- there were adults nearby.  But he was not very pleased about it!

But then he got to have some one on one time in the gym with mommy so that was a little bit better.

These were also the weekends we told our families we were expecting.  For my side, we just came out and said it.  My brother asked why we were there and I told him it was either that weekend or not for another couple of months.  Plus we like to tell people in person when we're expecting.  Then we got to watch them all react:)

For Danny's side, we secretly set out my positive pregnancy test in the breakfast line and just waited for someone to find it.  I mean, it was right there by one of the egg casseroles.  But we went through the entire breakfast and NOBODY saw it!  Finally once we were cleaning up and most people had moved on with their lives someone noticed and the news was out!

And that's that!

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