On Sunday I attended the funeral of a young husband, daddy, son, brother. Today I heard of an old family friend's passing. Two incredibly sad scenarios.
The first scenario brings a lot of heartache. Heartache for the family who will never be the same. But in the middle of that heartache, there is also joy to be felt. Joy, because in the face of great trial, this family allowed God to use them in mighty ways. Joy, because Zach has been healed and is now able to worship Jesus face to face. Joy, because they will one day join him in that worship.
The second scenario brings a whole different kind of sadness. This man, who was almost 90 years old, lived a very full life. He served in the Army, he was an inspiring teacher, and he served in the Peace Corps. He never married, so he does not leave behind a family. He lived his life as a minimalist, being careful to not be wasteful and only using and owning what he truly needed. He was unlike any person I've ever known. But the sadness I feel for him runs much deeper. He spent his whole life proclaiming atheism and denying the truth of Jesus Christ. I feel no joy or hope when I think about his death. I can only pray that on his deathbed he finally softened his heart, and I can only pray that God has mercy on his soul.
In a time where people go to such great lengths to eliminate the Truth, I urge you to please take a good, long look at the world around you. Though it can sometimes be difficult, we must stand up for this Truth and stop sugar coating the Word of God!
"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel" Mark 1:15
"I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3
Jesus invites you!
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he will sup with me." Revelation 3:20
"The greatest tragedy of life is not to die young, but to live a long, robust life and never use it in the service of the King." - Unknown
Please don't deny Him any longer. Please make sure that when you die, it will be with the first kind of sadness rather than the second.
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
Very nice post Sarah, and a very fair tribute to my good friend Wendell. Though he and I were on the opposite ends of the spectrum on many issues, I loved him and couldn't help but respect him. He taught me many good things over the 47 years that I knew him, especially in my younger years. I only regret that I didn't talk to him more about his salvation. He did many many good works throughout his life and many people benefited from his kindness but without acknowledging the Creator and His Son I'm afraid they may all have been in vain.
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