Monday, January 16, 2012

Last Minute Quick Trip

Last Sunday I was on the phone with Devin and the conversation went something like this:
Devin: "So when are you gonna come back down to visit?"
Me: "Um, probably not until sometime in March."
Devin: *long pause*.......... "That's a really long time."

So, after thinking about it, I decided on Wednesday that I would quick run down to Alabama because this weekend was the only weekend I had free between now and March.  And that conversation made me lonesome for Devin.  So now I'm back, it's midnight, I'm tired and I really should be in bed sleeping, but I'm tired of seeing the droopy plant picture so I thought I'd post real quick.

While I was packing, I was informed that the kickboxing class I used to go to was scheduled for Saturday morning and Jessica invited me to go with her.  You have no idea how excited I was.  So I dug out my gloves and wraps and started my weekend out right.  We tried to do a serious tough girl face but quite honestly, I don't think either one of us is really that tough.  But it sure was fun to go to that class again.

After lunch I picked up Devin for lunch then we spent the afternoon together.  We decided to take a picture while we were sitting in the car wash.  You don't realize quite how dirty salt makes your car until yours is the only one around that is salt crusted.  So that's one of the things we did after lunch.  My hair I blame on the wind and putting a hoodie on.  His hair?  Well, let's just say that if I was his mother it wouldn't be long enough for pigtails.

I'm so glad I decided to go.  Quick as it was, it was just really good.  Still feels like home down there.    Saturday night there was a family there from Atlanta that I know and we all had supper together and lots of sweet fellowship.  I got home feeling really encouraged and my heart is happy:)  Good night!

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