Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Long Awaited Update

I'm sure you all (okay, all four of you) have just been dying for me to update. Because I know this blog is SO exciting and I have so many wonderful things to share that you just can't hardly wait to read about! So, for the sake of those on the edge of their seats and for those who I'm just sure check daily to see if there's an update, here it is:
Let's see... I went to Alabama a few weeks ago. It was a grand ole time but it was not without it's downsides.

I knew something was up with my car when I left. It just didn't sound right. But what's a girl to do? While I was driving I was thinking about how gracious God has been all this time about letting me travel back and forth without any problems. Well, except for the occasional, friendly warning to quit speeding:) But really though, I drove back and forth a LOT over the last four years and every time he kept me from any troubles. I just knew though. I could feel it, that this would be the time I would be put to the test. Sure enough, about ten miles into Tennessee my seat turned into a massage chair from all the vibrating the car was doing. After pulling off and assessing the problem I was pretty sure I just needed to get my spare tire on and be on my way. Unfortunately, I don't have AAA and I wasn't sure what number to call for roadside service with my insurance. So I called 911. I felt dumb but I didn't know what else to do. 20 minutes later the nice lady cop pulls up behind me. I was pretty sure all cops knew how to change a tire (yes, I know I should learn to do it myself). She said she didn't know how to help me though and gave me some numbers to call for a tow service. While I waited on the truck to show up I had a nice long chat with the friendly cop. It was during that time that we realized there had been a miscommunication. She thought I also had mechanical problems which is why she couldn't help me. Once she realized I only needed my tire changed she got to work. She finished up just as the tow truck was pulling up. I felt bad for them but I was really thankful because her getting it done save me $75. The rest of the weekend was spent with my kiddos, catching up with friends, going to Devin's football game and buying a couple new tires. Friday night Cass and me went over to Mark and Bekah's for a euchre night. It was so good to be together with us four again. We spent a lot of time at their house while I lived there and I miss it.

This past weekend a few of us old Queenwood roommates were able to get together.  Sure signs we're getting older?
1.) We met at 10:30
2.) We met at Busy Corner.
It was still fun though.  I just love people who are still comfortable not matter how much time passes.  We missed having Meika, Julia, Kristi, Bethany and Mandy.

Oh, and I have another new place of employment.  I'm working at my cousins restaurant through the holidays at least and then we'll see after that.

Oh, and yesterday?

I love to vote.  I feel so patriotic. 


Erin said...

woohoo! an update! now my daily checking has been satisfied for a while. I hope your day is great! Love and Blessings from Me to You!

Boni said...

Reading about the onion was getting rather old. :) Last time I had a flat tire, I got out the manual & read all about where to put the jack & how to work it & how to change the tire......then I called Ed!

Angie said...

OK seriously I love updates. Even if I know it all already :)
It was a joy to see you today!