Thursday, April 28, 2022

Because I Never Post Anymore...

 Because I have gotten so bad about posting, you get another big catch all post!  

My dear friend Katrina sent us some clothes and my goodness were they cute!  Tanner was my only real willing model though:)

After missing Florida for a couple years we were finally able to go back again!  We met my parents and sent Tucker and Tanner with them for the week before we hit the road with just Summer and Sawyer.  I felt bad leaving Tucker and questioned whether or not it was the right thing to do, but I think it was the right decision.  Summer and Sawyer are just at better ages for travelling.  It was a true vacation for us!  And Tucker did have fun at Grandpa and Grandma's, but he is possibly still holding a slight grudge against us for leaving him!  Now every time I drop him off somewhere he interrogates me about how long I'm going to be gone!!  Next year, buddy...

We made really good time and got all the way to Fort Myers before stopping for breakfast.

We had a lot of time to kill before we were able to get into our room so we walked around to some of our usual spots while we waited.

Good to get a taste of Sun Harvest Citrus again!

Best buddies:)

I forget what this pelican's name is but he faithfully mans his place year after year!

Poolside lunches.

Don't worry too much about Tucker.  He had his fair share of fun!

And Tanner had his fair share of cheeseballs.

Cousins make the best friends!

The kids learned to play shuffleboard.  They got a running start and it was so funny to watch!

We met back up with my parents in Indy on the way home and had lunch at Chili's.  The first thing Tucker did was screw his face up at Sawyer and say "Go away!"

Back to normal life.  Hanging out at the library.

Auntie Carrie came over for an Easter night.

This is what happens when you use hard boiled eggs and Wal*Mart sacks for an egg hunt!

One Sunday afternoon we were all going a little stir crazy so we went and explored the trails behind our church.  It did all of us good to get out and get some fresh air!

We colored more eggs at Danny's family Easter.  Tucker has a current obsession with the color green and was quite content to sit off to the side with his pile of eggs and cup of green dye:)

We headed out to Illinois for a quick trip this past weekend.  Nothing going on, just wanted to be there.  We met up with the Shrock's before they head back to Haiti.

It was so good to see them, and especially to see Kylie's miracle in person.  I don't know that it's really our story to tell, but just a few months ago we were praying that she could make it through the night after a terrible 4-wheeler accident.  All praise to the Great Physician!

Cutie patootie:)

Saturday was beautiful and we had some good cousin time.  The beauty of not going out for a specific event is that there's usually a lot of good time to just hang out.

Just walking around with my tractor...  At one point he was carrying it around on his shoulder like a boom box:)

So life just keeps moving on.  We've been back three months now.  A lot of times it can seem like a distant memory but then we look around and see a house that isn't ours, a job that's just starting, emotions that can be pretty fragile and we remember that it was very much a reality.

It's not fun to try to buy a house right now, that's for sure!!  It's hard to not be picky.  Houses tend to slowly trickle onto the market and then fly off.  So we go and look at them and then him haw around a little bit and then someone else buys them.  Our poor realtor.  Some days we have the right attitude about the timing of it all and some days we definitely do not!  In the meantime we are really thankful to have a place to stay that gives us our own space.  The owners are very gracious to us!

There was a quote on the flip calendar I had in Haiti that showed up just a little bit before we moved.  I'd say we can definitely apply it to our current situation!  

"Trust is a tall order for today if we forget what God has done for us in our yesterdays."

Remembering that He has always been faithful and provided what we need when we need it.  We won't be homeless forever!  How can you apply that to whatever your personal situations are today?

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