Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Hyped Up For A Hurricane

 We saw the headlines that a storm was headed toward the Caribbean, but thought nothing of it.  Then we heard it was headed to the southern coast of Haiti.  It was still tropical storm status, but we wanted to keep an eye on it.  Then it moved to Category 1 hurricane.  Now we kept both eyes on it.  Nothing like 2016 when Hurricane Matthew (Category 4) came through southern Haiti.  We've seen the pictures and heard the first hand tales of that time and have no desire to repeat it.  But still, this could cause some damage and power outages and we have a very bare bones team here right now.  One that does not include a person who really understands the power and facilities stuff.  

We (meaning Lydianne) shut all the windows in the unoccupied houses.  We moved vehicles to an open area with less chance of trees falling on them.  We brought in all our outside toys and made sure we had plenty of drinking water.  Not really scared but a little on edge and strange feeling because this was a new situation for us.  And so we watched and waited.

And then it was over about the time it began.  Hurricane Elsa turned back into a tropical storm before it visited Haiti.  And then it went a little ways off the predicted path and we just caught the outside edge.  So anticlimactic!  Really though, we are thankful.  A hurricane is the last thing Haiti needs right now.  On the 4th we had Lydianne over for a little cookout and then went up to Nussbaum/Herrmann's for a potential campfire and for a change of scenery.  It was a little too windy for a fire but the kids had a great time playing on the big tree limb that fell down in the storm!

Other than Elsa, we're hanging in there pretty good!  We had a beach day with all the Harvest Call people currently in country.  These two played in the water way more than they have in the past.  They had a blast jumping the waves close to shore!

I even went on a hike!  A lot of times Danny will take the two older kids and go on some little adventure while I stay home with the little boys.  I do not complain about this setup as it gives me some much enjoyed peace and quiet.  But one day he suggested asking Lydianne to watch the littles and I join them.  So I did.  And had a way better time than I anticipated.  Hiking in the heat always sounds a little miserable to me.  My body has never done really great in hot weather and let's face it- I'm not in prime condition right now.  But I really enjoyed it and was really glad I went.

Sawyer loves to watch our cook when she does this step of her food prep.  And she is more than happy to let him watch!

The headbands just kept piling on one day:)  I think he was up to five in this picture!

The day after the storm passed through was still really rainy.  We have this huge roll of paper that was here when we moved and occasionally we will use it to make "the longest picture in the world".  Credit goes to the Ramona movie for that idea!

When Brandon and Katelyn came for their second visit, they stayed in the house Carrie had been living in.  That house has been through multiple tenants in the time Harvest Call has been here.  Each person accumulates and then leaves stuff when they go back to the states.  Katelyn cleaned out the house some and came across this devotional that she passed on to me.  It has been Perfect for this season of my life.  Written in the 80's, it is scripture and thoughts put together by a group of Mennonite women who had young children and were missionaries in Central America during that timeframe.  Sometimes there's just a few verses and sometimes a whole chapter to read.  Sometimes the thoughts written to go along with the scripture just hit me square between the eyes and relates perfectly to my life.  Sometimes I just want to cry happy tears because I am so thankful for this book.  Who knew a book written just a few years after I was born would be so relevant to me 30 some years later!

Isaiah 40:8  "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever."

Today I was working in the kitchen while the older three were outside and the little squish was playing by himself in the living room.  I peeked in to check on him and this is what I saw.  I got such a kick out of it!

As we start getting ready to go on furlough next week, there's just a few prayer requests that I would like to put out there for any who are willing.

1.) That we all have negative covid tests.  I think we will probably be getting those done on Tuesday, a week from today.  Maybe Wednesday.

2.) That we can all handle the tests.  For real- I am offering cookies to anyone who will allow me to do my own swab and do my kids' swabs.  I. Just. Can't.

3.) That we can have kind and understanding flight attendants with our kids.  Especially concerning masks.  They have not worn one since we came in back in early December.  And they wore them very minimally while we were in the states in the fall.  Probably most flight attendants are fine, but I see the horror stories in the news and know one horror story personally so that doesn't help!

4.) General safety and sanity concerns that come with travelling with young kids. 

Thanks all!

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