Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tucker The Two Year Old

 Tucker Joseph has reached the two year mark in his life:)

He is such a joy to have around.  He is also exhausting.  But his personality and shenanigans are always bringing us laughs.  And being here in the states he's had some good time with his cousin Elliot to join in the shenanigans!

Just like any two year old, he is full of opinions about his food.  But if it's something he likes, the boy is a beast!!  He out-eats his older siblings and could maybe even out-eat me if given the chance.  Maybe.

Again with the shenanigans... (the pictures got out of order)

He cannot be expected to be content with sharing anymore.  If Summer and Sawyer have something, he must also have it!

He has really been in the mix as far as playing with the others.  We are starting to see some good, fun brotherly rough housing happening between him and Sawyer.  Well, until someone gets hurt of course.

Such buddies!

He is a ham.  And he knows and loves when he's making people laugh:)

Last night we went to Ft. Wayne to see Tanner's name on the Parkview billboard and then grabbed a quick supper.  My mom was with us and she commented how she understands why we don't like to eat out a lot with the kids.  Then she said something about especially because we have a newborn.  And I said "Yeah and we also have a Tucker."

But my goodness how we love our Tucker.

Happy Birthday, buddy!

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