Thursday, January 02, 2020

Christmas And PLANS!!

So where did we leave off.....?  Oh yeah, we had just finished another stint in Illinois and hit up the hotel with our kids on the way back to Indiana.

We jumped right into Christmas activities with a candlelight Christmas singing and also caroling.  The kids were generally happier than what the picture would suggest:)

Then it was time for the Christmas overnighter with Danny's family!

Always loud, chaotic, but fun.

Each year the kids do a play and this was the first time Summer and Sawyer were into it enough to have roles.  Sawyer's part was Baby Jesus and he took it VERY seriously!

After staying up until midnight the night before, a nap was in order.  Midnight was only the kids' bedtime.  That was the hour the adults put on a movie and broke out the snacks.

And then back to Illinois we went for my family Christmas.  (Yes, we have grown very weary of going back and forth.)

Tucker's present was a big hit with all of our kids!!

On Christmas day we had our own little family Christmas.  Once we got home from church that morning I made sure to wear my festive Christmas leggings for the rest of the day to celebrate.  I just love them!

We said our final farewells to my family on the 28th and then hit the road..... again.  We had one more extended family Christmas where our kids got toothbrushes.  Because we are very much at a point where small, useful, and/or consumable is very important.  Summer loved hers and since there was two in the package she gifted one to a cousin.  Brushing their teeth together while using their new toothbrushes was a highlight for Summer.  It's the little things I guess:)

We had a very multi cultural, kid friendly New Year's celebration that ended at 9:00 at night.

Then once all our kids were in bed we finished out 2019 by playing games and solving the world's problems with Aaron and Cass.

And now we have a whole new year ahead of us again.  A clean slate.  We are pretty excited to say we have tickets bought and plan to head back to Haiti this coming Sunday, January 5.  Well, to Miami anyways.  And then Haiti on Monday.  We are thankful for the unexpected blessing of this time but we are also very ready to go back.  We need routine.  Our kids need routine.  We have another big adjustment in front of us that might not be super fun or easy but it's time.  Our family and friends have been more than generous- especially our parents for letting us crash their houses and putting up with our suitcases and back and forth-ness.  We want to give a huge thanks to everybody for all the support you've given us during a very unplanned and uncertain time.  We appreciate each one of you so much!!  We would love to be kept in the loop of your lives, whether every day happenings or prayer requests or whatever it might be.  Please feel free to shoot us an email or Facebook message anytime.  We'd love to hear from you!  But for now, God Be With You Til We Meet Again!


Anonymous said...

wishing you God speed on your return to Haiti and safe roadways when you get there.
Lisa and Bruce

Anonymous said...

What an unexpected blessing that you all got to be home for Christmas this year! Safe travels to Haiti this weekend! Rebecca Webb

Sue Schifferer Aeschleman said...

We are praying for a very smooth transition getting to Haiti and getting reacclimated to the culture, workload, climate, etc. During your time back in the states I believe God has grown and developed you and Danny even more to be of service and kingdom minded for Jesus. We love you and will be praying.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for a safe trip to Haiti!! God Bless you all!!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Been thinking and praying for you guys! So glad I got to bump into one time while you were stateside. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading about your experiences!! What a time you had in the states! But normal is good!
Mary K.