Tuesday, August 27, 2019

So. Much. New.

 Hey all!  Things are going well for us- fairly smooth- but there is so many new things to learn and our minds are feeling a little overloaded!

First I wanted to make sure and get a picture up from when Danny's parents were here.  They were such a good help!

No bath tub in Haiti, so the sink it is!  We've stuck him in the shower a couple times with the other two but he's not a fan and it's a lot easier to get him clean in the sink:)  He loves to splash!

We tried out "lunch at the gate" for the first time.  I'm not sure if it's considered a restaurant or a food stand or what, but it was good!  A couple of ladies serve chicken and rice and the Haitian version of a hot pocket right outside the hospital gate.  Just know that if you should happen to come visit us there's a good chance you will experience lunch at the gate:)

I caught the tiniest little gecko in our kitchen.  I mean, I don't love having them in the house but I would say I've already learned to tolerate them because I know they eat bugs and they're not to interested in me.  However, I especially wasn't a fan of having one crawl all over the dishes I had just washed.  So I decided he should be caught and released.  Although this morning I saw another tiny little gecko run under the stove so I'm thinking it might have been the same lil guy.  As long as he stays off the counters!

One Sunday each month we have a small church service together with the missionaries from Les Cayes and the surrounding area followed by an early supper.  This past Sunday the service was held here in Bonne Fin.  At one point I realized I hadn't seen the kids in awhile and wanted to make sure they were still around and hadn't wandered off.  I found them both playing with Selah's (a girl from BF) doll house with no other kids around.  They have plenty of bickering between them, but they really play pretty good together.  And they've had this lingering game of "house" or "family" or something they've been playing where I have been the designated grandma.  For two days Sawyer called me grandma.  I'm not sure how I feel about that!

Yesterday we started our official language training.  We will have lessons for one hour every afternoon for who knows how long.  It seems like such a big mountain in front of us, especially since my mind keeps trying to speak Spanish.  

Tonight we both had our first driving lesson.  The vehicles we use down here are beasts.  They are built specifically for places with rough terrain and of course they are manual transmission.  Thanks to my roomie way back in the day, (Hi Bex!!) I had already had some basic training in driving a stick shift.  I think that helped a lot because even though it was a long time ago, I wasn't super nervous.  Granted, I pretty much drove in a circle on flat ground around the hospital tonight...  My next time I will practice stopping and starting on hills.  Which is pretty important since we live on a mountain.  It will probably humble me significantly:)

SO, there's a lot of new things to take in.  It is overwhelming and tiring trying to learn so much.  Sometimes kind of fun.  Danny has even more than me as he has started going to the hospital in the mornings to learn some of  the ropes there.  We do appreciate your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your updates! Love hearing about your daily life. Prayers!

Bekah Brooks

Jill Fiechter said...

Thanks for sharing!!

sarah.flyingkites said...

Praying for you guys! Thanks, thanks, thanks for sharing!!

Karen Sinn said...

I love the updates. I am a good friend to Carrie Stoller. She is so glad you are there.

Anonymous said...

Love to read about what's going on! You are in my prayers! Not sure how I would feel about the gecko! When we were down on a work team, we had a much bigger one in our bedroom. will look forward to your new life adventures!!
Mary K.