Monday, January 14, 2019

Just Some Thoughts

These thoughts are nothing new.  They've been said many times before in many different ways by many different people.  But in the last couple weeks I've been looking through my 2018 pictures while I work on my 2018 scrapbook and this picture keeps bringing them to my mind.  They just keep rolling around in my brain so I'm going to get them out.

The story behind the picture is this:
We had left Maine the day before and spent the night in New Hampshire.  We had several different stops we wanted to make in Vermont- one of them being the Cabot cheese factory.  Typically in our family, I am the driver and Danny is the navigator.  I really enjoy driving and he doesn't necessarily.  I get carsick if I do anything but sit and watch the road.  And he is far better with maps than I am.  Usually I have full confidence in the directions he gives me.  Rarely do I question because he just tells me where to turn and we end up where we want to be.  This particular time I had little to no confidence.  We had pretty much done a U-turn off the main highway we were on and, as you can see in the picture, were now on a very NOT main road.  It was barely gravel.  Some places really were just a narrow dirt road.  It curved and dipped all over the place.  I am not sure how many times I asked him if he was sure, or told him we needed to turn around because he was probably wrong.  He just kept telling me all was well and tried to get me to just enjoy the scenery.  Because it really was pretty.  I kind of enjoyed it, but most of the time I was too busy being afraid we were never going to find our way off of these backroads of Vermont.  And then we came to the top of a really big hill and the view was stunning.  Like, stop the car and take a picture and appreciate what you are seeing stunning.  I know the picture you see above might not look like much.  It's not the whole panoramic view.  But I can look at that picture and remember the feeling of "WOW" I felt when we first saw it.  And guess what?  After that I relaxed quite a bit, enjoyed those back roads and just kept going where Danny said to go.  And sure enough, soon we came to an actual paved road where we turned left and there was the factory we were looking for.

The moral is this:
Sometimes that is how we are with God, isn't it?  And for me, sometimes means many times:)  We are pretty sure the way he is taking us is wrong all wrong.  We are nervous.  We tell him it's not right and we are sure we are lost.  And then the road we didn't want to take ends up being so beautiful.  We see things and experience things we would have never had the chance to had we gone the way we thought was right.  And we are so glad he took us the way he did.  Sometimes the road less travelled makes us say "WOW"!

And there you have it.  My not so new thoughts:)

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