Monday, January 05, 2015

Wrapping Up 2014

Well, once we got everything moved in, we had two days to get partially organized before family Christmases started up.  It felt like a little bit of a whirlwind but it was much anticipated and really fun!  After church on Christmas day, we came home and had our own little Christmas.  Technically not our first Christmas together since we were engaged last year, but our first one without parents in the next room as we tried to exchange gifts with just the two of us!

Then it was off to Danny's side of the family for the big overnighter.  Except we cheated a little and came home to sleep.  But we just got our own bed back which is SO comfy and cozy, AND we were all packed to leave for a week the next day.  So it was just easier to do it that way this time.  But we stayed late and went back for breakfast the next morning!

We did a progressive pregnancy picture-
Jessica: due in July
Me: due in May
Cassie: induced one day after the picture
Sonya: baby born in October

The menfolk posed for a quick picture after their rendition of Little Drummer Boy.  It's rather entertaining:)

The kids put on a nativity play for us- entirely written and directed (with background music and special lighting) by our oldest niece.  They did a great job!

The next day we were off to Illinois- and got to stay for almost a whole week!  I was not complaining!  Little buddy was feeling sick so he's not really showing it, but he was pretty excited to have his own pair of boots.  Just like daddy and grandpa!

Present time!

We happened to be there during turkey load out day and Danny got in on all the "fun".  He now has a renewed sense of appreciation for his desk job!

Game night with some of my favorite people in the world.

New Year's Eve was spent eating snacks, relaxing, and playing incredibly intense games like Hungry Hungry Hippo and The Farming Game.  It was a really fun night!

I hated to leave, but it sure was nice to come back to our own home and be able to officially take down the building permit sign from the window!

Looking forward to what's in store for 2015!


sarah.flyingkites said...

LOVE the progressive pregnancy picture. hahaha.

So glad to hear you got to go home for a whole week!!

and....ahem...still waiting on that announcement you promised ;)

Erin said...

WooHoo For being back in your house!
Praying for you and your blessing
love you
Blessings from Jamaica