Thursday, November 17, 2011


Welp.  I'm bored.  Really not gonna made a habit of posting at work but really, folks.  When I got back from lunch the internet and phone were both down.  Now the internet is up and running again but still no phones.  I've done all I can do with no phones.  Now I'm just stuck.  1 1/2 hours to kill.  Aside from making wire art from all the paper clips I found while organizing this office.... maybe I should do that:)  Make different designs, take pictures and post them for all to see.  You could vote on your favorite one.  Eh, nevermind.  They would all be things like, a circle, an oval, and maybe a triangle.  Art was never really my forte. 
I could be leaving for Mexico tomorrow.  Wish I was.  But I decided to skip this year since I knew I would be just starting a new job.  Now I'm rethinking that decision.  But there's good news.  I found a Mexican restaurant here in Bloomington (really close to work) that seems really authentic.  At least, moreso than most places I've eaten around here.  I went there on Tuesday and got chiles rellenos and they were just like my house mom in Morelia made them.  Mmmmmmm...........

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey! Did I know you had a new job? Whatcha doing now? Fill a sister in will ya? I hope you have a great weekend. Love you! blessings!