Friday, September 10, 2010


Funny story of the day.  There is a old man who is ninety something that still hauls in grain to the elevator I'm working at.  Today he came in at the end of the day and I saw him get out of his truck to come inside for something.  He had a can of beer in his hand which I thought was unusual.  He comes in, sits down and starts talking, opens his can of beer, then a little while later walks out- beer in hand- and drives away!  Now, I know he wasn't drunk at all.  But seriously.  Did he not realize what he was doing was completely illegal?!?!?!


Erin said...

He's 90 years old for goodness sake! I'm sure those laws don't apply to him:) becuase back in the day that was totally legal!
I hope your weekend is great! Love and Blessings

Boni said...

In the first place.....what is a 90 year old geezer doing hauling in grain. Secondly....drinking & driving? I'm staying far far away from the elevator.

Angie said...


Anonymous said...

I agree woth Boni,but I think
I will also stay off of 116. Thanks
for the warning