It was nothing, really. But after a few very concerned sounding text messages, I figured I'd set things straight:) Sorry if any of this is TMI.....
I had felt a UTI brewing all day on the day before we left but I thought with plenty of water and cranberry supplements I would be okay. Wrong!! I woke up the next morning feeling sick to my stomach along with the infection being worse, but didn't really know what to do so we just left. Let's just say the ride down was less than pleasant. By Saturday evening I had pain in my lower back from what I'm assuming was the infection reaching my kidneys. And my stomach never got any better and I threw up. By that time though, all the prompt care places were closed for the night and I just really wanted to feel better. I probably could have waited until morning and just gone to a clinic but we weren't that tired anyway so we just loaded up the trash can in case I threw up again and went to the ER. And I also didn't want to wait too long because I know a girl who ended up getting sepsis from a UTI and that really didn't sound fun.
After checking in they put me in a trauma room just to get me out of the waiting room. I hope I never have to be in one of those for an actual trauma! They gave me my first round of meds along with the prescription to get the rest and we were on our way! (Those meds were my best friend that night.) A few miles from the hospital I had a little freak out session because I couldn't find the prescription paper for one of the meds. So after sitting at a stoplight for awhile debating whether or not to go back, I finally realized it's because they had written two meds on one sheet of paper and I had not actually dropped the paper in the parking lot like I feared. So we proceeded to Walgreens.
I was really grateful to have a 24 hour place close by the hotel! But then we walked in and realized the pharmacy was NOT open 24 hours. Just the rest of the store. After a little arguing with Siri though, we did manage to find a 24 hour pharmacy. There was a little confusion when the pharmacist asked me for my date of birth. When I told him, he said "Is that Robert's birthday?" I was really confused, but Danny's middle name is Robert so it didn't seem like the most far fetched question in the world. But it was then we all realized they had put the wrong name on my prescription papers at the hospital and nobody noticed! We had to kill an hour in Walgreens while the pharmacist called the hospital and got everything figured out but finally it was all settled and we were on our way. We got back to the hotel at 1:00 in the morning and slept really sound!
So there you have it. Nothing life threatening. It just sounded worse than it was when I said we went to the ER:)
3 weeks ago