Thursday, April 08, 2021

Photography by Summer:

Komari and Selah are in country right now and we spent an afternoon decorating eggs together.

Colored Easter eggs just make me feel so cheery:)

The night before Easter we went down to Cayes for the afternoon and then spent the night.  Someone had sent eggs and candy so we had a little egg hunt (in the rain) which the kids loved.  

The Shrock's have recently moved to Cayes from Illinois and two out of five of their kids are close to Summer and Sawyer's age.  It's easy to mix up Sawyer and Nathaniel, especially from behind.  We love having a chance to let our kids play with them and the other kids in Cayes!

Sunrise service was the reason we spent the night.  That way we only had to get up at 5:15 instead of 4 something or other.

But it sure was pretty!  If the weather cooperates, the service is held on the roof of the Child Sponsorship building.  I, for one, was happy it didn't rain.  I mean, if I'm going to go to a sunrise service, I want to see a sunrise!

A couple different groups sang, Bonne Fin being one of them.  We sang "Across the Lands" by Keith and Krystin Getty.  Tucker was very attached to mommy that day.  It made holding sheet music in the breeze a little interesting.

We are reaching the point where Summer is starting to be able to read to her brothers.  It's slow going and probably a little painful for the listener, but it's great practice for her and they don't seem to mind.  Also Nathaniel was able to come up to the hospital one day when a group from Cayes came to work on a generator.

Summer's princess dress was laying on the floor one day and Tanner got himself all rolled up into it so it looked like he was wearing it!  This is his new scrunchy face.

But seriously...😍😍😍

One day I was trying to put Tanner to bed quietly in his room when the door opened and this creature started roaring at me.  So much for quiet!!

It's been cool and rainy here this week.  Probably cooler here than back home!  We are having supper guests tomorrow night and I'm planning to have chili.  So I sure hope it stays cool and rainy for one more day!  Just wait- I'll wake up in the morning to hot, sunny, 90 degree weather.  Cause that's my luck.

Until next time!

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  Colossians 3:17

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