Saturday, May 23, 2020

Our 5 Year Old

Happy Birthday to our Summer girl!  5 seems like a milestone to me.  I remember looking at clothes that were 5T when she was a baby and thinking they were huge!  Yet here we are, giving her 5T clothes for her birthday!  Summer is quite the little girl.  She is always, ALWAYS full of questions and ideas and thoughts to ponder.  You can just sit and watch her wheels turn and her mind think.  And sometimes in all of her musings, she comes up with the most hilarious things!

She had big plans for her birthday and had me write it all down.  She had every meal planned and about five different activities she wanted to accomplish throughout the day.  The fun really started last night though when she had a surprise sleepover.  She had one a couple months back and has been asking for another one ever since then.  We didn't tell her, we just let the girls show up after supper:)  She was so excited!  So this morning started with her planned breakfast of waffles and bacon with some of her BFFs.

Then a few more people came over for some games, cupcakes, a craft, and some gifts.

Swimming was on her to-do list, so Tucker helped get the pool ready:)

She got to finish off the day staying up late again and watching a movie.

We love our creative little thinker who never (and I mean NEVER) misses a beat!  She loves being with people, she loves to learn, and she can't wait to go to Kindergarten.  Even though our little school down here consists of just a few students, she is very much looking forward to going!

Oh and she got to find out for her birthday that she is getting a SISTER!!  She has been diligently praying for a sister since before I ever was pregnant with this one.  She's pretty excited:)  She has also been praying for a kitty and she informed me that now she only has to pray for that because she's getting her sister.  She might have to pray a little longer and harder for that one!  And I might have to start praying that she forgets about it!


sarah.flyingkites said...

A girl!! YAY!

Nancy Dotterer said...

Enjoyed this post, including all the photos of the children. Thanks for helping us keep in touch! Our prayers continue, especially with all the unknowns of COVID-19.